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Evolution Of Torture

Published on Nov 23, 2015

Mr. Mattox 3rd Period



Chantel Blakes

Torture is an art form
It is changing, growing and a hot topic to talk about
It progressed and changed throughout time starting primitive and physical, dating back to the start of civilization

Photo by notanyron

Assyrians, often used flaying as a form of torture where the unfortunate victim would have their skin cut off their body and nailed to the city walls as warning to anyone else
Also, they flayed young children in front of their parents


Torture became more prevalent after the fall of the Roman Empire and was used highly during the Spanish Inquisition
The type and degree of torture was determined by the victim's crimes and social status
Although there were strict rules on torture, judges and courts were often biased
Torture was condemned by the Catholic Church as early as 866

Brazen Bull


Photo by Joits

Torture was heavily used by the castles, having dungeons and torture chambers below the castle surface to cram in a lot of people and silence their screams

There were strict rules on how people should be tortured
Different types of torture depended on the crime and social standing of the person
Crimes included adultery, rape, vagrancy, etc.
Lower classes were discriminated against more than higher classes

Some forms of torture include the iron maiden, breast ripper, scold's bridle, racks, scavengers daughter, etc.

Heretic's Fork

Pear of Anguish

Judas Cradle

Crocodile Shears



Photo by sjrankin

Ideas came from the bible and those who went against the bible (scientists, enlightened thinkers), were torture

Photo by VinothChandar

A new civil code was formulated, putting restrictions on the use of torture to bring more equality to all
Torture began to be seen as a morally offensive and ineffective

Some forms of torture during this time include stretched out on a wheel and the other forms used during the medieval times

Photo by Lawrence OP

Hanged by the Hands


Photo by holl7510

Black slaves were the most popular ones tortured around this time period
Forms of torture include the use of insects, whipping, amputations, etc.

Torture during this time was used as a popular form of entertainment and business opportunities amongst people

Photo by wbeem




Photo by Edgar Barany

Forms of torture now include being beaten with fist, iron pipes, makeshift whips, etc.
Other favorites include stubbing the body with cigarettes, bone breaking and rupturing of non vital organs

Photo by lvnte

The use of torture is still highly debated upon

Photo by Stefan Kemp

But some areas of the world still use it

Water Boarding

Tied to a car then dragged behind it



This use of torture has been mainly used to get information out of someone

Photo by Drewdlecam

Some forms include Chinese water torture, exploitation of phobias, solitary confinement, etc.


Sleep Deprivation

Extended Sensory Deprivation

Torture, as time progresses, became more regulated and looked down on upon
Torture has never left but only changed forms starting primitive and physical and turning into physical and mental
Regardless of public opinion, torture is seen as effective and will most likely continue to happen

Photo by electricnerve