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Fit Kids

Published on Nov 30, 2015

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Fit Kids

A program proposal to get Colorado kids moving and eating right

Program Overview

This website sucks fucking balls

1 in 4 Colorado children are overweight or obese

Nearly one in four children in Colorado are either overweight or obese. Hispanic children are much more likely to be overweight obese, 35.2%, compared with 19.6% of non-Hispanic white children (Live Well Colorado, 2014).
Photo by Rrrrred

Untitled Slide

1/2 of Colorado kids

Dont get the Physical Activity they need
Less than a quarter of Colorado kids take physical education 5 days a week and one half don’t get activity outside of school (Colorado Child Health Survey, 2011).
Photo by akeg

60 Min

amount of physical activity children need each day
Photo by MattysFlicks

Children and Parents

Need to be educated

the Fit Kids program will...

Educate parents, teachers, and children

On healthy nutrition and activities that promote a healthy lifestyle

Get kids moving

With weekly after school activites

positive rewards

For healthy choices at school

sound great!

Who can participate?

Fit kids

will start within voluntary schools in colorado

Students can participate

in weekly after school workouts

Parents can participate

in montly nutrition education sessions

parents and students

will be encouraged to track their activity at home for monthly rewards

Activities will focus on...


running, jumping, biking, dancing...


core and stability


stretching, yoga, range of motion

Nutrition courses

will focus on...

Healthy portions

Balanced diet

Reading food lables

Know Whats really in your food

Eating healthy on a buget

eating healthy doesn't mean spending more 
Coloradans making an annual income of $25,000 or less have a 24% obesity rate, while those making $75,000 and above have a 16% rate (Colorado Health Foundation, 2008).

Making healthy choices

in the lunch room

Why fit kids?

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Healthy students

are more likely to...

perform well academically

Studies show that students who are physically active and fit tend to have better better academic achievement (Trost, 2009). Proper nutrition and movement play a large role in the brains ability to focus and receive information. Numerous studies show that students who eat a healthy breakfast function better at school (Yu, 2009).

have great attendance

When students are taking care of their bodies and feeling great, they are more likely to stay healthy. Evidence links higher levels of physical fitness, measured by students Body Mass Index (BMI) with better school attendance and fewer disciplinary problems (Trost, 2009).

Have fewer disaplinary problems

Photo by cogdogblog


live well colorado.(2014). join the movement. retrieved from http://livewellcolorado.org/childhoodobesity/

The colorado health foundation. (2008). obesity: what the research shows. retrieved from http://www.coloradohealth.org/studies.aspx

TROST, S. G. (2009). ACTIVE EDUCATION; PHYSICAL EDUCATION, PHYSICAL ACTIVITy and academic performance. retrieved from http://activelivingresearch.org/files/ALR_Brief_ActiveEducation_Summer2009....

yu. w. (2009, summer). Eating breakfast. healthy children magazine, 27-29.