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The early dynastic period (c.3150-c. 2686 BCE) saw The unification of the north and south kingdoms of Egypt under the Pharaoh's manes (also known as meni or manes) of the south who conquered the north in 3118 BCE. This early history comes from the Aegyptica (history of Egypt) by the ancient historians Matheno who lived in either the 3rd century BCE or 2nd century CE and whose account was disagreed
By later historians.
Geographical designation in Egypt follows the direction of the Nile river and so "upper Egypt" is the southern region and "Lower Egypt" is the northern area closer to the Mediterranean Sea. Narmer ruled from the city of Heirakonopolis.ii

Life in Egypt
FAMILY: family was important in ancient Egypt, and the family life began early for the ancient Egyptians, men's and women both tended to marry young, and most of the man had several wives.

CHILDREN: children was also important part of the family, they were considered to be a blessing from the gods, especially in a rich and royal families.

WORK: the Egyptians were one of the first people to introduce the use of the ox-drawn plow, however the work of plowing, planting and harvesting would have still been very difficult. Taxes were also imposed on the crops which would have also made it difficult for most poor families.

How King Tutankhamen became King

Genetic testing has verified that king tut was the grandson of the great pharaoh Amenhotep 2. And almost certainly the son of the Akhenaten, a controversial figure in the history of the 18th dynasty of Egypt's new kingdom (c.1550-1295 BCE) After the death of Akhenaten's death, two intervening pharaohs briefly ruled before the 9 year old prince then called Tutankhamen took the throne.

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Why were the pyramids built?

The pyramids were built to protect the body of the pharaoh. These massive tombs were constructed to hold the elements of time and were planned to last forever. Most ancient Egyptians planned for their death in the pyramids, but the Pharaoh didn't except their plan because he believes that his death was much more important than the other Egyptians and considered an important event, the pyramids process was tied to the rising and setting of the sun.

Photo by apdk

Egyptian workers

Even thought the Egyptian workers regarded the pharaoh as a living God, Egyptians workers were not afraid to complain for better working conditions. The most famous example came in 12th century BCE pharaoh Ramsey 3. When the labourers engaged in the building Necropolis at dier el-Madina the workers did not receive their usual payment of grain, they organised one of the first recorded strike in history. The complaining took the form of the workers, the pharaoh told the workers to leave but the workers simply refused to what he said. The workers hazard was eventually given their overdue rations.

Photo by isawnyu


  • The ancient Egyptians owned one of the earliest peace of treaties on record.
  • Ancient Egyptians loved board games.
  • Egyptian women had a wide range of rights and freedom.
  • Egyptian workers were known to organised labor strikes.
  • Egyptian pharaoh were often overweight.

The truth about the pyramids
The life of a pyramid builder certainly wasn't easy, skeleton of workers commonly shows signs of disease and other causes, but the evidence suggested that the massive tomb were not built by the slaves but was build by labourers. Theses ancient construction workers were a mix of skilled artisan and was built by their hands, and the same appear to have great pride in their work.

The idea that the slave built the pyramid was told by the Greek historian Herodotus in the fifth century BCE. But most historians now dismiss it as a myth.

Photo by liber