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Vietnam War

Published on Sep 21, 2018

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Vietnam War

Cassidy Ludwig

Domino Theory: This was the theory that if one country fell under the power of communism than the others would soon follow.

Photo by Kurt:S

Geneva Accords: This was a peace agreement that divided Vietnam into a Communist North and a Non-Communist South.

Photo by Rakesh JV

Viet Kong: These were communist in South Vietnam that made territorial and loyalty gains in the war.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: This regarded peace and security in Southeast Asia to American interest.

Photo by Can Pac Swire

Ho Chi Minh Trail: Where North Vietnamese troops and supplies entered South Vietnam.

Hawks and Doves: Hawks were those who supported the war and doves were people who did not support the war.

Photo by Iascaire

Tet Offensive: Turning point in the war. A win for the Viet Kong.

Photo by manfred majer

Vietnamization: Ended U.S. involvement in the war. Replaced American troops with south Vietnamese soldiers.

Kent State Shootings: Mass protest on the bombings in Cambodia resulted in a shooting.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne

Legacy of the Vietnam War: Thousands of American and Vietnamese soldiers dead or severely wounded. Lifted trade embargo with Vietnam. Full diplomatic relations were restored.