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The Great Gatsby

Published on May 22, 2016

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The Great Gatsby

by:Erick Leiva

Nick Carraway

  • Nick is like a broken zipper in a way that he opens his mouth when he shouldn't.
  • For example when he agreed to invite Daisy over, to meet with Gatsby, even though Daisy was married.
Photo by noricum

Nick Carraway

  • He is also like broken zipper in a way that he doesn't talk when he should.
  • Ex. he never said to Daisy about Tom's affair.
Photo by cogdogblog

Tom Buchanan

  • Tom is a person full of pride like a scorpion, he is also selfish.
  • He wants both Daisy, and Myrtle for himself, and he wants them to be depending on him.
  • He is a person that spreads poison wherever he goes, that is why he has to be moving his family from one place to another, continuously.
Photo by Furryscaly

Daisy Buchanan

  • A hypocrite person.
  • She wears a mask of happiness, and freshness, when she is deeply sad
Photo by Valentina_A

Daisy Buchanan

  • Daisy is a person that is willing to sacrifice everything for the best bidder.
  • Ex. She left the love of her life for Tom's money.

Jay Gatsby

  • Gatsby is obsessed with Daisy.
  • Gatsby is a person that is not in love with Daisy but addicted to her.
Photo by Jez Page

Jay Gatsby

  • Jay is an intransigent person.
  • He beleives that the past can be relived, even is Nick tries to convinve him of the opposite.
Photo by webtreats