The Sisters of Charity was originally founded by Marie Marguerite d'Youville
The order was founded in 1737 in Montreal, Canada
The "Grey Nuns," as they were called, were founded because Marie Marguerite d'Youville was previously an Ursuline and she enjoyed the service work that is so essential to the Sisters of Charity
The person who established the Sisters of Charity in America was Elizabeth Ann Seton
The American connection took place in 1809 in Emmitsburg, Pennsylvania
This American Connection took place because Elizabeth Ann Seton, already a devout Catholic, took on the religious life after she was widowed
In 1809, she took the vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty. The followers that she had gained from her previous work in parochial schools and more began a community dedicated to good works in that year and adopted the rules of the Saint Vincent de Paul society,.
In regards to the development of the Catholic Church in America, the Sisters of Charity contributed to this majorly by the development of many Catholic schools. These included boarding schools for girls and schools for the poor
These schools run by the Sisters of Charity allowed Catholic children, both boys and girls, to maintain their faith within the majorly Protestant population of America at the time. They also let these young Catholics grow in their faith in an environment where Catholics were not judged and discriminated against. These parochial schools are an important development and they have lasted until this day
The Sisters of Charity is a religious order that continues on until this day. There are convents, parochial schools, churches, and more founded by past Sisters of Charity dedicated to the American founder, Elizabeth Ann Seton
For example, the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of the Church is an order of sisters in Connecticut who serve others through education, taking care of the ailing, elderly, and poor, and more
Present day Sisters of Charity - Sister Judith Ann Karam, Sister Katherine Andrews, and Sister Marian Durkin of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Augustine