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Photo by auspices


  • Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a severe, highly contagious viral disease of livestock with significant economic impact . The FMD virus causes illness in cows, pigs, sheep, goats, deer, and other animals with divided hooves. It does not affect horses, dogs, or cats. FMD is not a public health or food safety threat.


  • High fever lasting two to three days.
  • Eating less, due to painful lesions in the mouth.
  • Weight loss.
  • Low conception rates.
  • Abortions.
  • Increased death rate, especially in newborn animals.
  • Reluctance to move or stand, due to sore feet and/or lameness.
Photo by Taylor Young


  • Localized treatment: rinse the ulcerated vesicles found on mouth, tongue, leg, hoof, teat with one of following solutions: normal saline, acid citric 1% or potassium permanganate 1%, alum 2%, blue methylene 1%.
  • For buffalo and cattle, after cleaning the wound in teats and limb with normal saline and drying, apply antiseptic then ointment over the wound. Bandage all legs for the prevention of flies.
Photo by Drew Hays


  • The virus responsible for the disease belongs to the family of Picornaviridae in the genes Aphthovirus. The virus is highly variable, which limits the effectiveness of vaccination. Vaccination only provides temporary immunity that lasts from months to years.
Photo by USDAgov

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