Montessori Global Wellbeing!

Published on Nov 01, 2023

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Are we, as Montessorians, Unified in our Vision, Purpose, & Responsibility?

Photo by Garrett Sears

Montessori Global Well-being!

Seven Steps toward

We, as Montessorians, speak of peace and acceptance. We speak of our spiritual preparation and transformation. Yet, how do we advocate and implement effective practices from the organizational level to the school, family & child level that will result in a sense of well-being and flourishing throughout the world?

Photo by Cayusa

How would we know?

  • Montessori Organizations
  • Teacher Education Programs
  • Schools
  • Teachers/Guides
  • Families
  • Children
Photo by Alex P2006

What is well-being?
“…well-being is more than the absence of a mental illness. It’s that resource within each of us which allows us to reach ever closer to our full potential, and which also enables us to be resilient in the face of adversity.” — Vivek Murthy

Photo by Stacie Clark

What is well-being?

“ It’s that resource within each of us which allows us to reach ever closer to our full potential, and which also enables us to be resilient in the face of adversity.” — Vivek Murthy

Photo by Stacie Clark

Elements of Well-being

Positive emotion

PERMA - Martin Seligman

Photo by Erol Ahmed

The Montessori Way

  • Love
  • Peace
  • Relationships
  • Engagement
  • Cosmic Task
  • Life-long learning
  • Community
Photo by jeremi

"Love holds the universe together because love is a real force, not just an idea."
Maria Montessori

Photo by allenran 917

"It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon
operating in the universe and has not yet been identified
by us.

This universal force is love"


"Love is the deep and unwavering commitment to the flourishing of a human"


Photo by videren

"Work is love made visible"

Kahlil Gibran

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We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity.”
Dr. Maria Montessori

Photo by Hudson Hintze

Imagine there's no countries
it isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people Livin'
life in peace
You, You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Photo by Greg Rakozy

"An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking;
it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people
to understand the times in
which they live"
Maria Montessori

How would we know?

  • Montessori Organizations
  • Teacher Education Programs
  • Schools
  • Teachers/Guides
  • Families
  • Children
Photo by Alex P2006

Untitled Slide