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Fundamentals of Economics

Published on Aug 05, 2016

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Fundamentals of Economics

By: kenzie Harville

Economics: The study of how people seek to satisfy their needs and wants by making choices

Photo by MIGreenberg

Goods and Services

  • Good: a product that is produced
  • Service: actions or activities that one person performs for another

Needs and Wants

  • Need: an item that is necessary for daily life(ex:water)
  • Want: an item that is desired (ex:jewelry)

Shortage and scarcity

  • Shortage: occurs when producers will not or can not offer goods of services to the consumer
  • Scarcity: implies a limit on the quantities of resources
Photo by bryanesque

Opportunity cost

The cost of the next most desirable item that you gave up for another 

Trade off

an alternative that we sacrifice when we choose an action over another
Photo by duncan

4 Factors of production

  • Land: all natural resources used to produce goods or services
  • Labor: the effort by people devoting their time to complete a task for payment
  • Capital: physical=human made objects used to create other goods and services Human=the knowledge and skills a worker gains through experience
Photo by JiayiYoung


a person who takes a risk to start a business
Photo by reynermedia

marginal cost

The additional cost of producing one more unit of a good
Photo by reynermedia

Marginal Benifit

the additional cost of consuming one more unit of a good
Photo by Analog Weapon

Production POSSIBILITies curve

a production possibilities graph that shows alternative ways that AN ECONOMY CAN USE ITS RESOURCES

Rational decisions

occurs when the marginal benefits of an action equal or exceed the marginal cost
Photo by justmakeit

three types of economic sytems

  • Traditional: economic decisions are based upon custom and historical precedent
  • Command: in a centralized economy government planning groups make basic economic decisions
  • Market: in a decentralized economy economic decisions are guided by the changes in prices that occur as individual buyers and sellers interact in the market place
Photo by Toastwife

mixed economy

an economy that has no pure market or command economy
Photo by yewenyi

Profit motive

the desire to make money causing people to work hard to produce goods and services
Photo by pheezy

consumer sovereignty

the extent to which people are free to choose in the market place without governement regulation
Photo by marcp_dmoz


when businesses compete with other businesses fro sales and profit
Photo by kylemac


the extent to which the government intervenes into buyers and sellers in the market place
Photo by vgm8383

economic freedom

the freedom for consumers to decide what to spend their money on and the freedom for businesses to decide which goods to produce
Photo by c_ambler

economic security

protection against economic risks
Photo by andjohan

economic equity

the application of our concepts WHAT is (fair/unfair) or (right/wrong) to an economic policy
Photo by SalFalko

economic growth

increasing the production of goods and services over time

economic efficiency

a situation in which no one in a society can be made better off without making someone else worse
Photo by mag3737

economic stability

the process of maintaining stable prices full employment and keeping stable economic growth
Photo by infomatique