3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
His divine power
His power not ours.....
Power - ability to do something, word we get dynamite from
Has been given - This gift of God's power has ben given to us....
We were passive in this transaction - it was done to us, provided for us
We couldn't earn it, think it up, we didn't even ask for it.....
and this gift continues to have an impact on our lives today....
We have the ability from God for all things that have to do with
life - the stuff of living on this earth....the actions and events that make up living.....from beginning to end and everything in between
godliness - "how to act" like a Christian
Activities that say "I value following Jesus" by the way I act, the decisions I make
How do we get this power?
1. Through our Knowledge of Him
And what should we know about Him you ask....?
His calling on our life -
He called us to himself through salvation.... remember the first time you heard the voice of God?
His glory - he gets the credit for the good in our lives....
We learn to give Him that credit -
His great goodness, moral excellence, virtue - This God who gives us power is just flat amazing!
promises -
What kind of precious promises you ask
great promises - mega!! is the word, in a comparative form, there is no one who makes and keeps promises like our God = some have suggested there are 8600 in the Scriptures.....I have never taken the time to count them all ....
(Illus. list some of the promises - go to green slide
precious promises - to have a place of importance, honor, things that are prominently displayed.....
stuff on our walls, in the hallway of fame that grandma has or the mantle crammed with photos of the grandkids....
There are more than
What is one of the most important promises God has made that sticks in your mind?
This power has a practical side to it.....
Helps us connect to God
actually partake of, word we get fellowship from, means to share together, an action word....we have fellowship with the divine, with God and share in his character through the work of the Holy Spirit.....
because we have escaped from the piles of stinky crud the world offers as "real life"