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This deck was created to support a keynote address at a FedEx conference in Greensboro, North Carolina on April 26th.
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Copia de MAYA and the Story of E-commerce

Presentation to FedEx conference in Greensboro, NC discusses how to create hits in a crowded world.



This deck was created to support a keynote address at a FedEx conference in Greensboro, North Carolina on April 26th.

Relacionado a la presencia de dos o más identidades que aparecen periódicamente, este transtorno hace que el individuo en facultad de sus identidades pueda tener recuerdos propios y conocer o no lo que las otras hacen por si mismas.

When shown cubist art for the first time viewers reported they didn't like it. When stories about the artist or composition were shared viewers reported liking cubism.

This presentation seeks to share stories about e-commerce and web design to make the complex comprehensible and knowable if not easy and fluent.

Por lo general hay una o dos personalidades “host” que suelen asumir el control de la conducta en el individuo y otras “alters” que asumen el control de las demás

No one climbs the new Everest of e-commerce alone. To win you must form a sustaining network. "Sustaining network" means it replenishes itself faster than it decays. Your network makes more money than it costs.

That's why it is crucial to understand networks. If you'd like to know more about networks read Albert-László Barabási's book Linked: The New Science of Networks.

El primer caso registrado fue en 1791, por el médico alemán Eberhardt Gmelin. En una mujer llamada Mary que hablaba tanto francés como alemán. Y que según se documenta ella contaba con dos personalidades una “seria” y otra “bromista” las cuales no se conocían entre sí.

Most website creators pursue the insanity of incremental improvement. When competitors offer free shipping they offer free shipping out and back (returns too). When competitors offer buy one get one specials they top it with buy one get two. Ruin and devastation lies down this path.

You must find "blue oceans" and make competition irrelevant as Kim explains in Blue Ocean Strategy.


  • Abusos continuos y repetitivos durante la niñez.
  • Ansiedad o situaciones extremas que ponen en peligro la vida.
  • Pesadillas, oír voces inexistentes, tac, agresividad, intentos de suicidio y recuerdos del pasado o flashbacks.

El pronóstico o tratamiento que suele darse en este transtorno suelen ser representativo e individualizado acorde a las características que presente cada persona diagnosticada,
pero comúnmente la psicoterapia o hospitalización
psiquiátrica suelen ayudar en los estados de crisis

Este trastorno ha sido el objeto de inspiración para múltiples libros y películas que tratan de caracterizarlo.

It is almost impossible to stop with three books, but if you're marketing online reading Hitmakers by Derek Thompson, Made to Stick by the Heath brothers, and Start with Why by Simon Sinek would be highly recommended.

This presentation also uses ideas from:

Blue Ocean Strategy: How To Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant
by Kim

Linked: The New Science of Networks
by Albert-László Barabási

The Wealth of Networks
by Yochai Benkler