Published on Nov 10, 2020

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Photo by Yatmandu

Take Notes

If you are ever in front of Jerry Byer - make sure you are taking notes.....

Photo by The Marmot



Redeem the Time

Always be prepared for down times when you can study

Learned in the Army as I watched my gear drive off in the back of a truck.....Oh you can get it when we set up tomorrow.....two weeks later.....

John Maxwell also talks about that...he is a leadership guru, I listended to him when he was a pastor in California -

Soundcloud -
Photo by Alan Cleaver

Talk Less

listen more
tendency expecially when we are new, to say too much at once...

use the scripts

listen more than you speak

develop the skill of asking questions......


what you learn
Photo by chuckwaters83

Develop a Rhythm

  • Daily boost
  • Class schedule
  • Checkin with trainer
  • Daily activity template
  • Reading Schedule
  • Sterring Wheel University
Schedule 10 qualified KT's

Which Mand B webinar can you attend

Can you come to both Tuesday and Friday

Reading schedule

Regular check in with your trainer

Activity Template for the day

starts with the daily boost

and moves on from there

Learning goals - what new concepts to sharpen your understanding of

Michael Cadrette

Haiku Deck Pro User