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Slide Notes

Inspired by Sherman's article, I made this deck.

For more info:

"17 Things You Can Do To Turbocharge Your Energy"

Erik Sherman

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Inspired by Sherman's article, I made this deck.

For more info: "17 Things You Can Do To Turbocharge Your Energy"


Los cristeros

8 cosas que debes saber de
Inspired by Sherman's article, I made this deck.

For more info:

"17 Things You Can Do To Turbocharge Your Energy"

Erik Sherman


1° ¿Que fue?

La cristiada
Inspired by Sherman's article, I made this deck.

For more info:

"17 Things You Can Do To Turbocharge Your Energy"

Erik Sherman


2° plutarco elias calles

actor principal despues de alvaro obregon
"Be short of sleep and your thinking becomes more muddled, reaction times are slower, and your efficiency plummets. You get into a sleep deficit, which has an ongoing bad effect on your health, not just your productivity."

Fundación del PNR

Plutarco deja la presidencia
"Be short of sleep and your thinking becomes more muddled, reaction times are slower, and your efficiency plummets. You get into a sleep deficit, which has an ongoing bad effect on your health, not just your productivity."

3° la ley calles

y otros datos más
"Food is the fuel your body needs to move, think, feel, and operate."

33 articulos, una muestra de ellos

  • El Cisma de la ICAM
  • Se prohibía enseñar religión en la escuela primaria
  • No emitir votos religiosos
  • Celebrar actos religiosos fuera de los templos
  • Usar fuera de los templos sotana o habito religioso.
"Virtually all the body's processes require water. Without enough, the biochemical reactions can't properly work."

4° personajes

que debes conocer
"Sugar is a short-term fuel that fools you with a quick burst of energy only to drain it away with a crash."

Luis Navarro Origel

el primer cristero
"People habitually reach for caffeine for a reason: It will pick you up."

Enrique Gorostieta

el general que vino de lejos
"Regular physical exercise boosts energy levels. It helps heart and lungs to operate more efficiently and will 'deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.'"

Victoriano el 14

de los altos de jalisco
"Regular physical exercise boosts energy levels. It helps heart and lungs to operate more efficiently and will 'deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.'"

Don Juan Macias

el ultimo de los 25 que iniciaron en san julian, el 1 de enero de 1927

5° anacleto glez

no fue cristero
"Basic conditions like problems with thyroid or blood sugar levels can affect the amount of energy the body can create. If you haven't had a physical in a while, get one now."

Anacleto gonzález flores

algunas de sus cualidades
"Potassium and other minerals are necessary for health and to keep the body producing energy."

Amante de la Eucaristía
vendedor de rebozos
formador de juventudes
maestro de la palabra
conquistador de un siglo
laico comprometido
hombre de carácter y valor
Verdadero amigo
político católico
luchador pacifista
mártir de Cristo Rey

"Maybe it's because of thousands of years of conditioning and association, but dark conditions can make you tired."

Untitled Slide

6° cinco libros que recomiendo

hay muchos más.
"According to University of Chicago researchers, splashing cold water on the face or wrists perks you up."

Luis Navarro Origel | El primer cristero

Martin Chowell
"You can get drained by monotony."

hector | novela historica cristera

jorge gram
"You can get drained by monotony."

LA cristiada | sus tres tomos

jean meyer
"You can get drained by monotony."


"You can get drained by monotony."

Tierra de Cristeros

Juan francisco hernández hurtado
"You can get drained by monotony."

7° tepatitlan

"Some researchers have said that a 3-minute cold shower could reduce fatigue for a victim of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome."

Saturnino cedillo

"Cranking up the tunes stimulated higher self-reported levels of energy, according to researchers."

Padre vega

Batalla de tepatitlán - 18 y 19 de abril 29
"Some researchers have said that a 3-minute cold shower could reduce fatigue for a victim of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome."

Quirino Navarro

"Ohio State University researchers found that lemon aroma had a 'positive effect on mood.'"

8° guardia nacional cristera

Es una organización cívica, apolítica, formada por mexicanos católicos y cuyo lema es Dios, Patria y Libertad.
"Sit up and it's easier to generate positive thoughts quickly."
Photo by akeg

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Untitled Slide

Promover la peregrinación anual al monumento de Cristo Rey, establecida por los veteranos Cristeros y celebrar misas en memoria de nuestros Héroes. 1 de noviembre

La Guardia Nacional Cristera promueve entre sus miembros un espíritu legionario de unidad, amistad y apoyo mutuo y procura su formación en el campo de la doctrina católica y la historia de nuestra patria, y ha tenido a honra, mantenerse fiel a los principios que le dieron origen.

"Sit up and it's easier to generate positive thoughts quickly."
Photo by akeg

Realizar homenajes públicos en honor a nuestros héroes, mediante cabalgatas y actos cívicos.

Promover que se levanten monumentos en memoria de los héroes Cristeros o de hazañas heroicas.

Utilizar todos los medios posibles para dar a conocer la gesta cristera.


I like creating fun things!

This was based on the Article:
"17 Things You Can Do To Turbocharge Your Energy"


Untitled Slide