The settings are the hospital, Bobby's house, Shila's house, the library, and Sear's headquerts.
Bobby goes places invisible .
The characters are Mrs. and Mr. Philips, Bobby Philips, Alicia Vandorn, Mrs. and Mr. Vandorn. Miss.Padget, Aunt Ethel.
The conflict is that Bobby turns invisible.
The theme is that Bobby has adventures to help him turn visible again or he has adventures just for fun.
My favorite character is Alicia because she is a realy good friend to Bobby. Also Alica comes up with good ideas and cheers Bobby up when he is sad.
My Favorite Scene
My favorite scene is when Bobby turns back to normal.
What does Bobby learn from Alicia ?
Bobby learns more about kindness and honesty from Alicia.
What lesson did I learn from reading this book ?
I learned you should always trust your parents.
Why do I think the aurthur wrote this book ?
I think the aurthur wrote this book because it has lessons that kids should know.
Why would I recommend to someone to read this book ?
I would recommend Things Not Seen to someone because it has exiting parts and funny parts that you will never forget.