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The Delicious Health Benefits of Pineapple – 11 Reasons Why Eating Pineapple is Good for the Health

Check out the full article here: http://servingjoy.com/health-benefits-of-pineapple/
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Health Benefits of Pineapple

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Health Benefits of Pineapple

Reasons Why Eating Pineapple is Good for the Health
The Delicious Health Benefits of Pineapple – 11 Reasons Why Eating Pineapple is Good for the Health

Check out the full article here: http://servingjoy.com/health-benefits-of-pineapple/
Photo by ChrisGoldNY

1. Thwarts off microbial infections

  • Rich in Vitamin C
  • Ward off cough, cold, fever, flu and many others
  • Boost overall immune system

2. Excellent Source of Fiber

  • Regulate proper digestion
  • Improves bowel movement
  • Prevents constipation
  • Effective in weight loss

3. Prevents Growth of Intestinal Worms

  • Removes parasites (such as tapeworms) in the intestines
  • Contains bromelain

4. Natural & Effective Skin Care

  • High in Vitamin C and Amino Acids
  • Collagen synthesis boosting effects
  • Revitalized, younger looking and more beautiful skin
  • Treats acne and other inflammatory issues with the skin

5. Keeps the Body Hydrated

  • Prevents loss of energy and tiredness
  • Keeps skin radiant and moisturized

6. Hinders Development of Free Radicals

  • Assures that our body remains healthy on a cellular level
  • Repairs damaged cells
  • Protects the body from diseases and illnesses especially those that are effects of free radicals

7. Promotes Stronger Bones

  • Rich in Manganese
  • Assure that connective tissues of the bones are strong and healthy

8. Prevents Impotence

  • Improves fertility because of its richness of antioxidants

9. Optimizes Heart Health

  • Continuous studies and research concluded that those who always eat pineapple are less likely to die from heart-related illnesses

10. Regulates Blood Pressure

  • Maintains normal blood pressure
  • Contains potassium

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Photo by Kristel Mesh