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AP HUG ABC's of Culture in Mexico

Published on Feb 06, 2016

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AP HUG ABC's of Culture in Mexico

By: Abhi Mohan &
Andrew Santillan
Period 3

A - Art

Mexican artists such as Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros have led the Mexican muralist movement and created many beautiful works of art.

B - Buildings

One of Mexico's most popular archaeological sites and ancient buildings is Teotihuacán, which contains some of the largest pyramidal structures built in the pre-Columbian Americas.

Photo by Deb Stgo

C - Communications

Telmex is one of the leading telecommunications companies located in Mexico, and owns 80% of the telephone lines in the country.

Photo by JasonUnbound

D - Dresses

Many traditional Mexican dresses are made out of fabric and are heavily embroidered in various vibrant colors.

Photo by p medved

E - Economy

Mexico's economy is the 14th largest in the world in nominal terms. Its main industries include electronics, food and beverages, tobacco, and many more categories.

Photo by swisscan

F - Family

In the typical Mexican household, the families are generally large ranging from around 3-5 children. All boys of the family take part in work once they are old enough and the females generally work around the house. The father is the ultimate patriarch of the family and runs most of the finances, politics, and other matters.

Photo by Vox Efx

G - Government

Mexico is a federal presidential representative democratic republic, in which the president is both head of state and head of government.

Photo by hmerinomx

I - Icons

Pancho Villa was a well known “rebel” of Mexico in the early 1900’s. Ironically, even though he caused a lot of trouble, most believe his intentions were good. He sparked a revolution in the corrupt government system of Mexico.

Photo by -Chupacabras-

J - Jobs

Many Mexican citizens interested in working look for jobs in the major industries, such as tobacco, chemicals, iron and steel, textiles, and tourism.

L - Language

Generally, the large majority of Mexican citizens are fluent monolingual spanish speakers. With that said, there are indeed indigenous speakers who speak a language that has existed in their lands for prehistoric times. The most popular indigenous language is Nahuatl with around 1.3 million speakers.

Photo by mikecogh

M - Movement and Migration

Majority of the citizens in Mexico travel by car or bus to get from place to place. Recently, the Mexico-Texas border has received a lot of attention due to many Mexican citizens illegally immigrating into the United States.

Photo by wisegie

N - National Pride

The mexican flag consists of three horizontal bands of white, red, and green. On top of this, an eagle perched on a cactus has a snake in its talons. One of the widest celebrated holidays in Mexico is the Holy Week. This holiday is a nationwide vacation which leaves people out of work and school.

Photo by Esparta

O - Organizations

The three main political parties in Mexico are: Partido de Acción Nacional, Partido de la Revolución Institucional, and Partido de la Revolución Democrática.

Photo by Steve Rhodes

P - Population

There are approximately 122.3 million people living in Mexico, which makes it the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world. Majority of citizens are between the 15 to 64 years old age group, and the large variety of Mexicans can be classified into a group called “Mestizos.”

Photo by P Donovan

Q - Quality of Life

Life in Mexico has a lot slower pace than in the United States. For those who are more privileged, they will live a more grand and eloquent lifestyle, while those of lower classes will live more average, normal lives.

Photo by mohammadali

U - Urban or Rural

All of the cities in Mexico are considered as “urban areas” and represent about 76.5% of the total population. Settlements with less than 2,500 inhabitants are considered as “rural communities,” and make up 22.2% of Mexico’s population.

Photo by ecstaticist

V - Vacation and Recreation

For vacation, many families tend to go to excursions located in many exotic locations not only in Mexico, but around the world. For recreation, most of the Mexican population, young and old, enjoy playing football, or soccer as they call it in the United States.

Photo by thejasp

X - Marks the Spot

One important location in Mexico is the highly elevated city, Mexico City. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico as well. Another location that is distinctive towards Mexico is the Mayan civilization, “Chichen Itza.” This is one of the most common tourist attractions in Mexico.

Photo by Lucy Nieto

Y - Yum

One breakfast food that is typical to Mexico is chilaquiles. This is a dish with an assortment of whatever meat you choose, along with a tortilla stuffed with scrambled eggs, topped with salsa. For dinner, families will typically eat a stew with beef or tortillas stuffed with meat, chicken, beans, and many other ingredients.

Photo by rpongsaj

Z - Zip It Up

In Mexico, the most prominent sport is Futbol, or Soccer in America. Futbol in Mexico ranges from street soccer, all the way to top professional clubs across the globe. One of many famous clubs from Mexico is Club America.

Photo by Kieran Clarke