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The Bible

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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-The bible has two main parts the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

-The Old Testament tells about Gods creation, the Isrealites going to the promise land and the foretelling of Christ.
-The Old Testament contains four main books: law, wisdom, history, and prophecy

-The New Testament is considered new because it's like the second part of the Old Testament and fulfills what is told in the Old Testament
-the gospels are the heart of the scripture
-the four main parts of the Old Testament are: the Gospels, history, epistles and prophecy

Photo by Greh Fox

How the Bible came to be
-people experiences God over a long period of time and shared their stories of their experiences with God
-people speaking different languages translated the Bible to their language. The bibles original languages were: Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaia

Photo by kamper_vision

-sacred tradition is the handing down of the message of Gods saving plan through word and deed
-early Christians were especially concerned about protecting and safe guarding the message of Christ so it could be passed down to future generations and spread

Photo by chrismar

The four standards used by the bishops to discern which books to include in the canon of the bible were: Self-authentication, decision of men, debates over canonicity, and completion of canon