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Published on Dec 15, 2015

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Sky MRI Medical Imaging
Photo by extranoise


The competitive spirit leads to innovation
Sports and competition are a part of the human make up. The competitive spirit leads to innovation in all aspects of human nature. Innovation such as what sky mri has to offer.

Medical imaging

the competitive spirit leads to innovation
Competition in the field of medical imaging has also led to innovation, and Sky MRI wants to bring that innovation to athletes nationwide.
Photo by killermonkeys

mri: the first choice

of athletes and their families
MRI is medical imaging using high powered magnets that deliver medical information better than any other imaging service.
MRI is cutting edge technology that is becoming the first imaging service of choice for physicians to diagnose medical conditions.
All other imaging services besides MRI and ultrasound use some form of radiation.
MRI is becoming the first choice for athletes and families because of detailed reports, low costs, and no radiation.

Photo by Army Medicine


The cost to receive an MRI used to be as much as ten times that of a CAT Scan.
It required being placed inside a long tube with continuous loud noises for long period of time.
1 out of 3 patients would have anxiety attack that prevented the scan from being done at all.
Photo by Just Us 3

sky mri

Sky MRI offers an open imaging environment unlike anything available in the entire country. Patients sit in a chair or stand in an open, quiet environment.
Patients can watch tv, listen to music, or even play games on a phone or tablet during the procedure.

Photo by kevin dooley

Sky mri

With Sky MRI's innovative chair and open sky MRI machines, the images are crisp and clear, so your physician can make the most accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Photo by hsuanwei

sky mri

can get the job done
Look out the window or chat with a friend while your MRI is done. From the beginner gymnast to the seasoned pro NFL player, Sky MRI can get the job done quietly, with no anxiety.

patients love us!

100% success rate
33.3% of patients surveyed have stated that if given the option of a MRI in the environment SKY MRI can offer, they would never get a traditional MRI again.
Currently, our Chair Extremity MRI has had a 100% success rate. Every patient who has scheduled a scan has gone through the procedure with NO Sedation and NO Anxiety Attacks, and NO cancellations.
Photo by Chris Yarzab

lead or follow?

sky mri leads the way
Just as a quarterback leads the team, Sky MRI leads the field in innovative imaging technology.
Imagine having an MRI while standing, stretching, or sitting. Imagine unparalleled clarity. Imagine all of this in a relaxed, open environment. Imagine athletes and their families getting the answers they came for and getting back on the field.

35.4 million

mri scans ordered in 2015
Across the nation, about 35.4 million MRI exams will be ordered by Orthopedists and Neurologists in 2015-up 2 % from 2014.
That's about 111.1 scans per 1000 people!
With referrals from chiropractors, lawyers, and other doctors, that number could double or even triple.
Photo by Gordana AM

a small percentage

2% jefferson/orleans
Based on OECD statistics, this would make up only 2.1% OF NEW ORLEANS/JEFFERSON SCANS


only of 0.26% HOUSTON SCANS
1920 patients in Texas is only 0.26% of scans ordered in Houston.




Clearly, there is plenty of room for Sky MRI to get into the game and compete!
Photo by rcbodden

1920 scans

only 8 per day
To give you a better day of what 1920 scans per year looks like, that would be only 8 STUDIES A DAY for 240 DAYS A YEAR.

Photo by jlmaral

4000 scans

Photo by Lynda Giddens

national expansion

the sky is the limit
Most states have limited or no laws against opening new imaging facilities. Since this technology is unknown in the US, the field is wide open for penetration into multiple markets nationally.
Photo by theqspeaks



We provide top notch patient experience with the quality and clarity they need.
We have experience opening and running a truly unique imaging center.
And, we have the exclusive rights to this new technology across the country.
No wonder investors are lining up!
Photo by Gamma Man

We bring the skills

you bring the name
By teaming with Sky MRI, you add your name to the most innovative medical imaging technology today and help bring it to our country's athletes and their families. With the Brees name attached to our centers, athletes and their families will know they can trust us for the most comfortable, high quality experience possible for themselves and their families.

let's change the game

Together, we can change the game on how people look at medical imaging today. Brees and Sky MRI- a great team!