"I'm the only boss around here!" Wrong! In order to meet the real BOSSES you have to buy an exclusive pass! (See more about the prices in the Money section.) But I'll give everyone a little sneak-peak at them and what they do. Like I said before there isn't just one boss around here there are twenty-five! Their office's are scattered all over the first, second, and third floors. Seems like any normal place with just a lot of bosses right? Wrong again! What makes them very different from other bosses is that each one of them are little, small, short elves! Even though the elves are small and they are pretty smart. They got together and made the entire building plan in less than three hours! But what is even more impressive is that they created all the laws, that you must follow, in about only one hour! Blown away? Yeah. Wish you would be more intelligent? Yeah. Wait no! 😝
The function of ribosomes is to produce proteins. While the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies receive, deliver, and transport proteins throughout the cell, the ribosomes are the ones that produce the proteins in order for them to due so. Therefore there will not be a properly functioning cell without ribosomes. The Administration produce all the laws, rules, and put restrictions on everyone to not only maintain order, but also to keep the Liberty Science Center from collapsing or going into chaos. 🆗