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Behavior Report Cards

Published on Mar 06, 2016

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Behavior Report Cards

Katya Sussman, M.Ed.

What does the Research Say?

  • Chafouleas, S.M., 2002 (Research Review)
  • DBRC's are feasible, accepted, increase parent/teacher communication
  • Adaptable, can be used for wide array of behaviors
  • Need to be further researched before they can be considered reliable
Photo by jannekestaaks

What does the Research Say?

  • Cheney, D. et al., 2008
  • 127 Students, Elementary School
  • 67% of participants responded to intervention
  • 91% of the 67% were not identified as Special Ed
  • 50% of the 67% significantly reduced their problem behavior ratings on the "Social Skills Rating System- Teacher Form"
Photo by jannekestaaks

What does the Research Say?

  • Vannest, K.J. et al., 2010 (Meta-Analysis)
  • 17 Studies, 107 Participants, Mean ES= .61 (Range of -.15-.97)
  • Setting: Primary ES= .59 vs. Secondary ES= .64
  • Target Behavior: Disruptive ES= .67, On-task ES= .54, Both ES= .74
  • Home-School Collaboration: High ES= .9 vs. Low ES= .48
  • Frequency: Daily ES= .87 vs. 1-Hour ES= .51
  • Scale: Estimation ES= .51 vs. Quality ES= .86
Photo by jannekestaaks

What are THey?

  • Parent-Teacher Communication
  • Tailored to Child's Individual Needs
  • Add a Reinforcer
  • Change Frequency
  • Change Scale Type

How To:

  • Create a Report Card
  • Talk to Student/Parents
  • Rate the Behaviors
  • Send Home Report Card
  • Graph the Data
Photo by tncountryfan

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McCorvey, Z. J. (2013, January 1). Addressing Disruptive Behaviors in an after School Program Classroom: The Effects of the Daily Behavior Report Card. ProQuest LLC.
Chafouleas, S. M., Riley-Tillman, T. C., & McDougal, J. L. (2002). Good, bad, or in-between: How does the daily behavior report card rate?. Psychology In The Schools, 39(2), 157-169.
Cheney, D., Flower, A., & Templeton, T. (2008). Applying Response to Intervention Metrics in the Social Domain for Students at Risk of Developing Emotional or Behavioral Disorders. Journal Of Special Education, 42(2), 108-126.
Vannest, K. J., Davis, J. L., Davis, C. R., Mason, B. A., & Burke, M. D. (2010). Effective Intervention for Behavior with a Daily Behavior Report Card: A Meta-Analysis. School Psychology Review, 39(4), 654-672.
Wright, J. (Jan, 2003). The Classroom Behavior Report Card Resource Book. Retrieved from http://www.interventioncentral.org