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The task for today is to share with you all within 10 minutes about my ability to lead district-wide initiatives and to how to support campus leadership in the implementation.

If it is ok with you all, I want to introduce myself and then break that task into two pieces.
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School Support Officer

Published on Apr 29, 2019

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School Support Officer

Mechiel Rozas
The task for today is to share with you all within 10 minutes about my ability to lead district-wide initiatives and to how to support campus leadership in the implementation.

If it is ok with you all, I want to introduce myself and then break that task into two pieces.

25 years • Bilingual Teacher • Instructional Coach •PK-12 Principal • Director of Secondary Literacy and Early Childhood


Doctoral program at the University of Texas Cooperative Superintendency Program graduating in 2020
Houston Baptist University-Educational Administration
Houston Baptist University
Masters in Curriculum and Instruction
Area of Concentration: Instructional Technology
Sam Houston State University
B.A. Bilingual Elementary Education
Area of Concentration: Spanish

Houston Independent School District
Director, Early Childhood 2018-current
Expanding Pre-K programming and ensuring the quality of existing programs are high so that all students are prepared for formal education
Houston Independent School District
Director, Secondary Literacy 2015-2018
Managing middle and high school literacy initiatives, collaborating with all core content directors to increase student equity, ensure student growth, and increase future choices for students
Houston Independent School District 2013-2015
Memorial Elementary
Activated a dual language program, revitalized the literacy knowledge and increased student performance and enrollment
Spring Branch Independent School District
Westchester Academy for International Studies 2010-2013
Acted as Director of the High School section of a 6-12 IB program while leading and supporting small group instruction and eliminating the need for graduation remediation programs
Houston Independent School District
Gabriela Mistral, Center for Early Childhood 2005-2010
Established and sustained an internationally recognized center for children age 3-5
Houston Independent School District
Manager for Early Childhood, West Region 2009-2010
Supported over 50 Elementary campuses with Pre-K3, Pre-K4 and Kindergarten programs

As I mentioned before I would like to break the task into two parts. One to tell you about my experiences leading district-wide initiatives and then how I would support campus leadership in the implementation in Tomball as an SSO.

Literacy in the Middle and Literacy Empowered• Kids First • Data • Research • Plan •Pilot • Refine •Launch

We wanted to assure that all students were prepared for college and career.

We looked at multiple forms of data to see what the barriers were to achieving this goal as well as what resources we had that could support.

We looked at a previous initiative to see what worked and what did not.

We spoke with experts in secondary development, achievement, and literacy. We read research about how to best meet their needs across all core contents.

We worked collaboratively with district leaders, campus leaders and practitioners, and community members to create a plan.

We surveyed students and adults

We piloted the plan and made refinements

We created summer PD that spoke the language of their content but addressed the literacy needs of the students.

Created and managed a 14 million dollar budget
The budget included resources such as electronic and paper books, professional development, and intervention resources.

We turned around and did it again for high school one year later while simultaneously creating and supporting ESL students and creating an intervention class and curriculum for students 6-12 who are in need.


  • AMS 6% gains in Tier I, 26% less students in Tier III
  • EMS 20% gains in snapshots
  • TMS less than 10 minutes a day in text to 2 hours a day
  • WMS 7% gain in Tier I
  • All campuses that implemented saw gains in all measures

Pre-K Expansion

  • High quality programs
  • Increase Pre-K opportunities
We know that all children benefit from an early start that is language and experience rich. For our students who need to acquire English and or live in economic situations that are challenging, early childhood can be a game-changer in their life's trajectory.

Our goal is to serve 80% of those students who qualify for free Pre-K in high-quality programs in the 2019-2020 school-year.

Currently, we are no where near that number.

Steps-define high quality
Take measure of where we are
Leverage Pre-K Centers as centers of excellence
Work with school leadership office to align work
PD delivery in all modes
Coaching at all levels (teachers, paraprofessionals, instructional specialists, principals, executive group, board)
Spiraling back to inspect what we expect • celebrate approximations • high expectations • revisit the why and the how


I have been told that I I have natural talents in building authentic relationships quickly, quickly assessing what systems, buildings, and people need and coaching systems and people through actionable steps to effect positive growth.
I have served as a coach on a campus. I have coached peers while I was a campus principal and I have coached leaders at all levels as we have launched and maintained district initiatives.
As an SSO, many times you are tryhelping principals put out fires so


Preparing students for the real world in a real way
So now into details about how to support campus leadership in the implementation of Tomball ISD initiatives.

CTE 22 career clusters

Goal 5 Expand the use of PBL for all S populations
*PBL learning embedded within all clusters?
* PBL at all levels PK-12 and in all contents?
* State of the 26 campuses

Identify a clear vision of what long-term and short-term success looks like

Define how we will know success has been achieved? What are the markers? Who decides?

What will we do when we encounter barriers? How will we embrace the entire community in this journey?


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