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Music Video Project

Published on Dec 03, 2015

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Photo by FaceMePLS

February 28, 2014:
Today I took a quiz over film and audio vocabulary words that I researched and decided were very relevant to the work I will be doing.

Untitled Slide

February 28, 2014:
I took a vocabulary test on film, audio, and other words that I decided were relevant to my project.

Untitled Slide


  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.6 was met by...
  • Researching vocabulary
  • Demonstrating my understanding of the domain-specific vocab
  • ESSK.02 was met by...
  • Using written communication skills to show knowledge of terminology

March 3-14, 2014: During this time I planned for next steps. I found the performers I wanted, worked on choosing a song, location scouted, studied film and lighting techniques, etc.


  • Colorado Academic Visual Arts standard 2 was met by...
  • Critically thinking about preparatory steps for my project

March 17- April 1,2014:
Over this time I painted the room that I am going to use to film my video.

An office in gallery 100...

Untitled Slide


  • ARVD.02 was met by...
  • Understanding what needed to be done to create the desired visual effects
  • I painted the room to do that and set up the backdrop

April 8-17, 2014:
Over this time I brought lighting elements up to my room and removed all the painting supplies. I also set up a backdrop to cover the door on the side wall and then moved a chair into the room for Vallerie (the singer) to sit on.


  • Colorado Academic Visual Arts standard 3 was met by...
  • Using lighting which was a new and unique technology for me

April 18, 2014:
I met Vallerie (the singer) and Katina (the pianist) after school in Mrs. Loher’s room then went to gallery 100 to begin the video taping. We began with taping Vallerie's singing. I set up a static camera inside one corner of the recording room and a second camera, a mobile camera, on a cart. My original plan was for Vallerie to sing with head phones listening to the original song. This did not work out because Valerie was singing at a different pitch than the singer on the recording and it messed her up.

April 18, 2014 (continued):
Instead Vallerie sang a cappella and we recorded her with the video camera. We had to record the video twice because the first video was too shaky. The second time we used a cart to stabilize the video camera and it made a much better recording. Next, we went to Mrs. Burton’s room to record Katina playing the piano accompaniment on the piano. I used two cameras also for her.


  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.5 was met by...
  • Recording on video the beauty and emotion that is in performance
  • This enhanced the understanding of my video because that was my goal
  • Colorado Academic Visual Arts standard 1 was met by...
  • Adding meaning to the song through filmed facial expressions

April 21- 27, 2014:
I took a computer home from the school to work on the video. I had quite a bit of trouble getting the files to work on different programs. The main problem was I needed to put the music together in Audacity but I couldn’t convert the video files (which contained my only audio recording) into audio.

April 21- 27, 2014 (continued):
Eventually my dad was able to help me convert them using the program Hand Brake that converted the .mts file to a .m4v file. Then we used mpeg stream clip to convert the video file to an audio file that I could import into Audacity. The rest of the time I spent trying to put together the two audio recordings. I realized that the two recordings were very different tempos so, it was very difficult to make them match up on the final sound file.


  • Colorado Academic Visual Arts standard 4 was met by...
  • Learning to persevere through my project
  • Learning to problem solve which is a valuable life lesson/experience

May 2, 2014:
Today the class presented our projects and received feedback. I explained the situation and difficulties I had with putting the audio together for my video. We came to the conclusion that it would be best to do a recording of both performers together rather than trying to mix it together in audacity.

May 2, 2014 (continued):
By trying to combine their performances in audacity unsuccessfully, we felt that it was unfair to the artists because it made them sound worse than they are. In reality both performers are very talented, and that was the reason I chose them.

May 6, 2014:
Today I recorded Vallerie and Katina as they performed together. They performed in the auditorium using that piano. We recorded a couple of times due to issues in the first recordings such as background noise in the hall. Later, I presented my recording to the class. Hearing it in a separate setting made me realize (and my classmates confirmed) that Vallerie's voice was much quieter than I would have preferred.

May 7- 9, 2014:
Throughout this time I worked on putting together my music video mostly. I also worked on this presentation to explain the process I went through for my project.


  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.4 and ESSK.04 were met by...
  • Creating this presentation that displays my process and related information
  • ARVD.02 was met by...
  • Putting my video together and learning technology related to it

I know my video is not perfect by any means, but I did do a lot of learning. More than just learning about digital media arts too. I also learned that sometimes things come up in projects that you have to overcome, and sometimes you have to cut corners to get to the final product. Hope you enjoyed it!