- Ruled by dictatorship
- Dictator of the Soviet Union
Political party
(Communist party)
He ruled by terror. Killed all who opposed him and censored most propaganda and sources of info against him to keep his power.
Rise To Power
First served on central committee of the Bolshevik Party. Stain studied to be a priest before joining the Bolsheviks.
Born: Dec,18,1879
Attended a seminary in the city of Tbilisi to study for priesthood in Georgian Orthodox Church.
Family information
Father was a shoe maker and alcoholic who beat Joseph. His mother was a laundress.
"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns why should we let them have ideas."
--- Joseph Stain
Stain secretly read the work of German social philosopher and "communist manifesto" by Karl Marx
Interesting facts
In 1906 Stalin married Ekateria Svanidze. His first son Yakov died as a prisoner in Germany.