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Vocabulary Project

Published on Dec 09, 2015

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TANGIBLE- capable of being touched

DISARMING- removing or capable of removing hostility

~ It is disarming for people to keep a positive attitude in difficult times just like Horton, in Horton Hears a Who, was on a challenging journey to find a new home for his friends. ~

Photo by Matteo Sorba

CONDONE- to disregard or overlook

Photo by mariskar

DROLL- amasing in an odd way

Photo by pyramis

SCRUPLE- a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions

Photo by LendingMemo

SOLICITOUSLY- anxious or concerned

Photo by V31S70

IMPERATIVE- absolutely necessary or required

~ When a volcano erupted, Superman felt a strong desire to save native villagers just like it is imperative for everyday people to not turn a blind eye when somebody is in need. ~

Photo by jenny downing

UNCANNY- beyond the ordinary or normal

Photo by smbuckley23

POSSE- a body or force armed with legal authority

Photo by Al_HikesAZ

EXODUS- a departure or emigration

BOON- something to be thankful for

Photo by Ed Yourdon

ENDURE- to bear without resistance or with patience

~ The cross country team endured a hard race like Thomas from The Maze Runner. ~

Photo by DncnH

QUARRY- an excavation or pit, usually open to the air, from which building stone, slate, or the like, is obtained by cutting, blasting, etc.

Photo by Infomastern

SUBSIST- to exist; continue in existence

Photo by laszlo-photo

BARBAROUS- uncivilized; wild; savage; crude.

Photo by Taiger808

MUSTER- to gather, summon, rouse

Photo by Lotus Carroll

PERSEVERANCE- continuance in a state of grace to the end

~ Soldiers fighting for their country show perseverance like Rainsford escaping the clutches of Zaroff. ~

Photo by Wetzel!

TRUCULENT- fierce; cruel; savagely brutal

QUANDARY- a state of perplexity or uncertainty

Photo by Shardayyy

DURESS- compulsion by threat or force

Photo by nican45

DILEMMA- any difficult or perplexing situation or problem


IMPASSE- a position or situation from which there is no escape

Photo by ssalonso

EVADE- to get around by trickery

~ Batman uses his costume to evade the police to keep his identity a secret like a chameleon has its skin to avoid being eaten by a predator. ~

DEBACLE- a complete collapse or failure

PREVAIL- to be or prove superior in strength, power, or influence

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