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Plant Cell Similes

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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plant cell similes

compared to planes by:garrett pratt
Photo by CAHairyBear

cell membrane-like the plane its self

the cell membrane hold everything used for life, a thin layer that controls what goes in and out

cell wall-like what the plane is made of

the cell wall is only in plants giving the plant its structure

chloroplasts is like the WING-FAN

chloroplasts is an organelle only found in plants where photosynthesis is
Photo by monkeyc.net

cytoplasm like the seat and seat belt

it suspends the organelles also being jelly-like
Photo by jronaldlee

nucleus like the plane pilot

it contains the d.n.a material and usualy the largest organelle

organelle is like the passengers

the organelles take part in a specific job so the cell can live

vacuole is like the snack-lady

the vacuole is the water storage in a plant cell