The parachuye

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Manhunt

To explore poetry as a response to trauma
Photo by

Eddie Beddoes

Bosnia - peacekeeper

Clip 1: The Injury

  • How many times was Eddie shot?
  • Where did the bullet enter/exit?
  • How many ribs were broken?
  • Which 5 adjectives describe Eddie after being shot?

Rungs of broken ribs

Photo by Yogendra174

Grazed heart

Photo by liverpoolhls

Foetus of metal

Photo by derivadow

Clip 2: The aftermath

  • What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
  • How does Laura describe Eddie's return?
  • What kind of things trigger Eddie's stress?

Clip 3: Laura's Story

  • Why 'jailer, mother, nurse'?
  • How does Eddie see Laura's role?
  • Why does Armitage write from Laura's POV?

'The Manhunt'

simon armitage
Photo by The U.S. Army

Fractured rudder

Photo by mikecogh

Frozen river

Blown hinge

Photo by Leo Reynolds

The parachute silk of his punctured lung.

Porcelain collar bone

Photo by Orin Zebest

Take Away Points

  • One thing I learned about Eddie...
  • One thing I learned about Laura...
  • This lesson made me think...
Photo by Creativity103

Miss Adamson

Haiku Deck Pro User