Synonyms- Articulate, Coherent and Fluent.
Example: the doctor made an eloquent speech on diseases.
DENIZEN- Adjective definition-LIVES IN CERTAIN PLACE. Synonyms- indigenous, populace and incumbent
Conundrum noun definition-puzzling question or problem. Synonyms- quandary perplexity and labyrinth.
Example: the maze was a big puzzling conundrum
Preside- to be in charge
Synonyms- officiate ordain and solemnize Example: the teacher preside over the classroom
Innovation noun
Definition- an change in the usual way. Synonyms- deviation ,avant-garde and vanguard.
Example: the persons outfit was a great innovation to get attention with.
Ardent- adj. Definition- enthusiastic or full of positive emotion. Synonyms-agog , fervent and zealous. Example: the ardent people excitedly rushed out of the school
because it was Friday.
Persnickety adj. Definition- fussy or hard to please. Synonyms-finicky,meticulous and painstaking Example: the little girl was persnickety when she didn't get a lollipop.
Mellifluous- adj definition- smoothly or sweetly flowing. Synonyms- fluid,dulcet and harmonious. Example: the water was flowing mellifluously and smoothly
Askew adj definition- twisted the wrong way. Synonyms- awry , skewed and amiss. Example: somebody's arm was askew and twisted and had to go to the nurse.
Xenophobia noun definition- fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners. Synonyms- animosity,detest and aversion. Example: a xenophobia stranger was following someone down the street.