
Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Now What? 

Get to Know God

His Character
1. Yahweh vs. 1,3,6,8

2. King vs. 2

3. God vs. 2

Elohim - the one who is mighty, powerful

4. Merciful vs. 7

steadfast love

everlasting love

5. Leader vs. 8

6. Righteous vs. 8

7. Protector vs. 11

His a refuge to run to

He is a stone wall to hide behind

Photo by vestman

Get to Know God

His Activities
1. He hears vs. 1,3

2. He considers vs. 1

pulls together loose ends

Brings order to confusion

3. He has a "way" vs. 8

the way is righteous

the way is one of blessing

4. He destroys liars vs. 6

among other things .....vs. 4-5

Photo by vestman

Talk to God

spend time with him
Since He hears

Since He considers

Brings together various options for review

Brings order to chaos

Bow Before God

Respect, Worship, Obedience
Respect, reverence for.....stand in awe

Worship.....bow down


Make your way, path straight before me

Guide me Lord

Your Word is a lamp and a light

Source of practical wisdom. Proverbs....
Photo by pennstatenews

In the morning

One of the most common times for prayer




Discipleship culture

Lay out requests

Stand them up in front of God to be noticed....kind of thing

This is what is important to me

Notice pronoun my

Phil 4 kind of lists....
Photo by khrawlings

Wait for God

Watch for His Answers
Vs. 1-3

Habakkuk........I made my case

Now I will go to work. And wait to hear ......

The answer God's time

Trust Wisely

Cannot be trusted vs. 9



heart filled with destruction vs. 9

Pit waiting for us to fall into

always open

leads to death not life

Speaks deceit - divisive, quarrelsome

Stand against God - rebellious vs. 10

Be careful who you choose for friends...they do influence you

Photo by


Really Live Surrounded!
While we wait for the Lord's answers there are things to be done.......

Life to be lived....

Here is how we do that
Photo by stevec77

Live Surrounded

Let me explain.........
Photo by nz_willowherb

Take refuge in God

Run to for protection

Stand behind his strength

Though the waters......quote

Photo by wmacphail

Sing for Joy

Love the Lord's Name

Develop an Appetite for....

Develop an appetite for

An acquired taste
(Illus. B and M baked beans .....)

What you long for

The name of The Lord......
Photo by miuenski

Rejoice in the Lord

Develop a grateful heart

The joy that comes with victory...

In The Lord

See Phil 4

Enjoy God's Blessing

The Warmth of God's Fellowship
His favor

I will pick you up
I will hold you close

His focus

His eyes are upon me

His face is turned towards me

He pays attention to me
Photo by Sin Amigos

Michael Cadrette

Haiku Deck Pro User