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Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Chris Buechter Period 4


  • Sometimes, the Curriculum of a course isn't important.
  • Sometimes, the class is intended to teach you how to function and participate.
Photo by BeckyCortino


  • If you participate in a classroom, you will:
  • Get more out of the class.
  • Get a better Grade.
  • Make the class or lecture go by faster.
Photo by John-Morgan


  • If you constantly procrastinate, you will:
  • Have a To-Do list that grows.
  • Develop worry.
  • Feel overwhelmed.
  • Easily become frustrated.
Photo by V. Sharma


  • There are many levels of listening.
  • You can be completely out of focus.
  • You can be far too focused.
  • You have to be in balance to get the most out of the lesson.