This is Jim - the man who started it all.
Jim lives in a registered group home run by Southdown Housing Association ( and used to while away his time strumming on a guitar in his room. One day his support worker asked Jim if he’d like to do anything with his love of music and Jim said he’d like to be in a band. They sent out an advert round Southdown Housing and a week later they had their first band practice. Little did they know what they’d get up to over the next 15 years.
This approach also influenced the way we do everything - ‘keeping things punk’ - having ideas and putting them in to action quickly, experimenting and failing but also triumphing too.
This is an important part of our story, listening to what someone with a learning disability wants to do and trying to make it happen. In our case we went on to achieve things beyond our wildest dreams.
(Incidentally this photo of Jim is in Times Square – another amazing part of our story).
Coupled with trying to be as user-led as possible we also struggled to say ‘No’ to anything which I think is another important factor in helping us to get as far as we have so far!