1. Christ doesn't care if his followers agree or disagree so long as each has a personal relationship with Him.
2. Most of the big disagreements in the history of the Church were the fault of one person or one group.
3. The Catholic Church contains Truth exclusively.
4. All Christians should desire the unity of the Church.
5. The basic principles of Christian unity in the Gospels.
6. Divisions in the Church make the whole of Christianity weaker.
7. Though the Church is Holy, individual members are not holy.
8. It's your job to share your faith with others who believe differently.
9. The Church has guide-lines about other Christians and non-Christians receiving Holy Communion.
10. The successor of St. Peter was intended to be the visible head of all Christians.
The task of restoring Christian unity
- The task of every Christian
- Focus on common faith first
- Build "one body"--Baptism
"In essentials, unity;
In doubtful matters, liberty;
In all things, charity."