Keegan Feuling
Hour 9 Fleenor
Ganeek has replaced the country Singapore, on the tip of the Malaysian peninsula. The capital is Gizer and there are large hills(five hundred thirty-seven feet) It's an island and has five regions. North, NE, East,West, and Central.
Ganeek has two seasons, when it's rainy and when its dry/summer. It's humid since it's near the equator. It's a Tropical Rain Forest country.
In Ganeek there is solar power, and pan oil. They import 90% of food and exports fish, flower and fruit crops. They also mine for gold
There are roughly five million people in my country, and its growing at about one million people every decade. They live in suburbs, everyday houses that are connected to the capital Gillie.
In Ganeek they eat Vietnamese based dishes that are influenced by the French like: Pho, Bahn Mi, and Bun. The main language is English and they face struggles of multiple religions in the country but the main religion is Christianity but it is not influenced by the government.
Family in Ganeek is important. You live with your nuclear family and celebrate holidays and important events with extended family.
People in my country work in their own businesses, free market businesses but the government requires after taxes to keep the country clean. People understand that you have to work for what you want. They also believe in doing all legal stuff, they trust the government. For example illicit drug possession is punished by death. Keeps the country clean and health.
Social classes in Ganeek are Capitalist, upper middle, lower middle, working class, and underclass. They use US dollars for their currency. The economic system is Capitalist but all the land is owned by the Federal Government(has three branches power is spread.)