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Published on Nov 21, 2015

What is sustainability at Northfield Mount Hermon School?



a balanced, resilient system means a healthy future for all
Photo by JD Hancock

In a resilient system, nutrients are cycled in a never-ending, elegant loop.

The wastes of one organism serve as the raw material for the next, keeping the system in balance.

The sun is a perpetual clean source of energy.

The energy in our limited supply of fossil fuels comes from the solar energy stored by plants millions of years ago.
Photo by rishibando

There is a healthy interplay between human, ecological, and economic well-being.

Think about NMH.

Where do we use nutrients, and where do they go when we're finished?

Where does our energy come from?

In what ways do social equity, the economy, and ecology play important and balanced roles in NMH systems?