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Today we begin a series on money......

Seems everyone around me wants some of our money.....

NPR just finished its annual fund drive.... Its tag line was we need your help because over 50% of our budget comes from people deciding to give.....please give......

And I thought to myself....."my" budget is 100 percent funded by people choosing to give......and those people are bombarded with all sorts of competing financial pressures and obligations......

How do you sort all that out?

So, we start with the 7 principles that make up the foundation of God's plan for us and our money.....

5 Week Series on Stewardship

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Principles for handling money


5 Week Series on Stewardship

How to Handle Your Money
Today we begin a series on money......

Seems everyone around me wants some of our money.....

NPR just finished its annual fund drive.... Its tag line was we need your help because over 50% of our budget comes from people deciding to give.....please give......

And I thought to myself....."my" budget is 100 percent funded by people choosing to give......and those people are bombarded with all sorts of competing financial pressures and obligations......

How do you sort all that out?

So, we start with the 7 principles that make up the foundation of God's plan for us and our money.....
Photo by 401(K) 2013


What is really Yours....?
First is the principle of possession

Notice the master is entrusting his property....it is not the servants, not ours

It is loaned to us for a few decades and is given to someone else......

the activity of caring for someone else's resources is called stewardship

And this is the first principle of money.......
Photo by B Tal

What you think you own
is really
on loan

God loaned it to you for 80 years, when you are gone he will loan it to someone else....

When you think its yours you worry about it...that is a good way to measure how you think about your money

1 Talent = 71 pounds
71 X 1179.40

A Roman Talent was equal to 71 pounds of gold

Which at today's prices is
Photo by matthileo


A Roman Talent was equal to 71 pounds of gold

Which at today's prices is

1 Talent is 1,339,794.40

2 Talents is 2,679,596.80

5 Talents is $6,698,992.00
Photo by matthileo

What God Entrusts to us is very valuable to Him

A Roman Talent was equal to 71 pounds of gold

Which at today's prices is as of Friday's price....

1 Talent is 1,339,794.40

2 Talents is 2,679,596.80

5 Talents is $6,698,992.00

What God gives to us is very valuable to Him

Our uniqueness is an illustration of the value God places on his money, talents, resources
Photo by matthileo


God has given us a certain amount
The principle of allocation

God has given me a gift mix, an amount of resources to manage for his glory

Read Romans 12:3-6

1 talent

2 talents

5 talents

everyone gets a different amount

we are not all equally wealthy

But.......everybody gets something

vs. 16

immediately went to work with what he had

put it to work....and gained 5 more talents

same with two talents

Money is a tool

designed to be put to work
But...... When you use money and love people

Things get turned around

if you start loving money you will use people

remember it says that the love of money is the root of all evil, not that money is a rood of all evil

money is neutral - can be used for good and bad, it is what you do with it....

here we are reminded to put your money to work

if you are constantly in debt, it is probably because you are working for your money instead of having your money work for you....

point is what you choose to do with what you are given, we are all given different talents, resources......we are not held responsible for what someone else is given, but we are held responsible for what we are given.....

over the next few weeks we are going to examine how to have your money work for you....

money is a wonderful servant and a terrible master....you know that money is your master when it is causing stress in your life.....

Ultimately. You get to choose what to do with what you are given

Money is a wonderful servant but
terrible master

What can you do....?

  • Waste it
  • Spend it
  • Use it
  • Invest it
  • Hoard it
You get to choose what you do with the money God gives you.......

But you will be held responsible ....

which leads us to the next point

The principle of accountability


One day God will audit me....
Life audit will occur ...vs. 19

Master returned to settle accounts....

We will go through a life audit.....not by the IRS, but by the GOD......

recently finished a year long training process that better equipped me to help people live the life God created for them to live......

Do you think that God would go through all the trouble of creating you, putting you on this planet, giving you talents and abilities unique to you.....

and not ask you....what did you do with your life?

God did not put us on earth to live simply for ourselves....to simply stockpile things and then die?

Romans 14:12

  • Each of us will give an account of himself to God....
Irresponsibility always catches up with us ....

you cannot be irresponsible forever without paying a high price

at some point we stop sleeping in, eating junk food all day and playing video games for 20 hours at a time.....the time comes hopefully when we get up and say ...I got to get a life....

Proverbs 19:3

  • People ruin their lives by their own stupidity, so why does God always get blamed?
vs. 20-21

Guy with 5 talents100 % return doubled his investment

Guy with 2 talents - see I have have gained 2 more

Guy with 1 talent vs. 24

buries what he is given
he doesn't use what God has given him
blames his boss- claims that he is a victim

people do this today - mess up their lives and they blame the government, their parents, their boss, blame everybody else.....

Proverbs 19:3 quoted from the Message
Photo by Wonderlane

Don't B-LAME

Every time I blame you for my problems

It is another way to be....lame

am I being lame....

Avoiding responsibility is quite popular

The whole field of neuroscience seems to be saying it is your brains fault. You cant help it....

Blame shifting happened when Adam blamed Eve....

Which leads to the next principle of utilization
Photo by Neeta Lind


 "use the tools God provides us"
God expects me to use the tools he gives me

Yet this servant doesn't do anything with it......

calls him a wicked servant.....not a word we would usually associate with mismanaging money....

Seems kind of harsh at first glance

any time you misuse or abuse the resources God gave you...that is taken very seriously by the Lord

Greatest use of our lives is to invest it in what will outlast it

You did nothing

You buried it....

He buried it to forget it

I don't want to face this

I know i am not making it

I will pretend my financial problems don't exist

You can't please God by doing nothing with your life....God considers that wickedness

Which of the three are most likely to bury his talent?

The one talent servant - when I only have one talent....I say look at all these 5 talent people, I can't keep up with them....they don't need me, I will just sit on the bench and watch....

I am not a superstar so I will just sit here and play it safe.......

and suddenly the joy of of life disappears and all you are doing is going through the motions.....

We are not designed to play it safe

Do not discount the talents that God has given you.......use them......

(Katie and the struggle with not being able to do everything........)

why do we hide talents?



Move against your fears
I have to do the very thing I fear the most

For with every talent there is a corresponding fear that goes with it

singing - nobody will like my voice

business - I will never succeed

the what if's that keep you from investing our lives in God's plans for us.....

If you do these principles and you will be blessed....the problem is that some of these principles are counter cultural

like the investment literature says pay yourself first.......

God says pay me first.....put me first.....

Unwilling and afraid to do what the Bible says to do, they remain in debt, overspending and overstressed......

Servant says was afraid...so I buried your money....

what are you afraid of.....?

self doubt - I can't do that

failed in the past

God uses ordinary people who just keep on going

Judas and Peter denied Jesus
the difference was how they handled the failure

Judas had pity party and h8ng himself

Peter repented and returned to Jesus

Jesus chose Peter to build the church upon, to preach on Pentecost Sunday.....where 3000 got saved the first day

Yu can get out of debt .......it will take time but it an be done.....
Photo by PamLink

God uses ordinary people who just keep going

Recently been asked to consider teaching a class on Revelation........

Amazing how many times Believers are encouraged to hang on to the end.......


If you don't use it.....you lose it
Principle of application

vs. 28

Take away from the one talent and give it to the one who had more

no exercise - lose muscle

no thinking.....you grow dull

no practice - lose the proficiency

If you use it wisely God gives you more.....

Whatever you need more of, you give it to God




Thinking ability

Whatever you sow you reap
Photo by widdowquinn


Photo by postbear


  • Affirmation
  • Promotion
  • Celebration
The principle of Compensation

God will reward me for good money management

Money is the acid test of your faithfulness

It is the thing we have the most difficutly with

The issue we think the most about

Well done - affirmation

Given more responsibility - promotion

Come on in and share God's happiness - party time


  • You cannot serve two masters....
  • Goal is to help you make the right choices about money

7 Principles

  • Possession - Allocation
  • Accountability - Utilization
  • Motivation - Application
  • Compensation
poor money management is a symptom of a poor life management -

you need to get a new life manager

and his name is Jesus....

or submit to the Scriptural principles as we go through them over the next few weeks......

Let's Pray

Read excerpt from prayer......

And close
Photo by mcdri86

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Michael Cadrette

Haiku Deck Pro User