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Norvell and Associates: Tips on Creating a Viable Organization

Published on Mar 28, 2016

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Norvell and Associates: Tips on Creating a Viable Organization

The corporation, or any organization for that matter, has come of age as the representation of the artificial or virtual personality invented by humans to achieve certain goals which the solitary individual alone cannot hope to accomplish. Ironically and due to the unique structure of most organizations, it is through the abilities of a singular leader – say, the president of a nation or the leader of the band – that the organization functions as if it were one person. And we refer to that as leadership, which without its dynamic energy electrifying the whole group, the organization cannot function effectively.

Yet, the leader is patently like the head which tops off the body that contains almost all the organs needed to allow the entire body to work as one organic living system. The organization, as the juridical personality it has come to be in modern times, owes its existence to the many small but important roles taken by people who compose the organization. If we come to think of it, even the highest officer of an organization (as exemplified by the most unassuming of humblest of leaders), only has a humanly small task to do, yet made large by the perception of many or by the exaggerated importance given to the position and not to the task.

In essence, tasks are neither small nor big. The diligent worker is deemed an indispensable component of the organization. For he or she who genuinely works, benefits the whole organization and not any single person, whether a supervisor or the president of the company.

Here are some tips to make an organization a viable and dynamic and thriving personality that others would want to be a part of or to deal with in whatever capacity, as customer, partner, benefactor or beneficiary:

Satisfying Customer Needs

Any company, whether profit-oriented or not, will somehow have to interact or deal with the public at-large or with a particular market sector or group of customers. For the car manufacturer that would include not just the end-user but other indirect customers or entities that have interest on the use of cars, such as government policy-makers and even suppliers of automotive paint or car radios.

Excellent, direct and broad interaction with customers is the best strategy an organization can adopt to maintain its viability. This is further founded on the idea that the organization must fulfill its purpose of completely understanding the needs of customers. Often, businesses fail because they make certain assumptions not founded on meticulous research of the market it has targeted. Small shops or fashionable products tend to be self-styled concerns revolving around an entrepreneur's choice of design, function and other features. Hence, Nike shoes started out as the new alternative to sneakers or tennis shoes until it became a caterer of every customer need you can imagine, from gym shoes to hiker's boots to golf clubs to backpacks.

Some organizations, admittedly, may not actually shift into other products or services (such as Coca Cola or Volkswagen); but they keep in pace with the growing needs of people. Coke Zero came out in response to the need to reduce sugar or calorie intake. The new Volkswagen design and features grew out of the user's need to upgrade their favorite car's ability to provide greater comfort, speed and visual appeal.