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Pearl Harbor

Damon Colston & Daija Wooldrige
Photo by familymwr

Pearl's Whereabouts/ Routes

  • Pearl Harbor was located on the south side of the Island of Oahu
  • It is home to the U.S. Naval Base

Before Pearl's Demise

  • 1937 Japan is at war with China
  • July 1939 Roosevelt announces that Treaty of Commerce and Navigation will not be renewed
  • 27 Japan signs the Tripartite Act with germany and Italy
  • January 1941 Yamamoto prepares plan for attack on Pearl Harbor
  • July Japanese troops occupy Indochina
  • November 8 Hirohito approves formal battle plan for attack
  • November 26 Japanese attack fleet sets sail from Japan

still ~…~ three

  • November 8 Hirohito approves formal battle plan for attack
  • November 26 Japanese attack fleet sets sail from Japan
Photo by SanforaQ8


Photo by maddiontour

What Changed?

  • America enters the war and declares war on Japan
  • Germany and Italy declared war on United States
  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers “Infamy Speech” to the American citizens,
Photo by andy in nyc


  • There is a conspiracy theory that FDR provoked the Japanese attack in order to sway the American opinion and make it possible for the U.S. to enter the war
  • FDR froze Japanese assets and embargoed petroleum shipments because they attacked China and were in "cahoots" with the Axis Powers
Photo by dkshots


  • Bombed December 7, 1941
  • 2403 killed 1000 wounded

U.S declares war on Germany and Italy after they declared war on the united states.
~Whose Against Whom

The U.S troops dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and they ended the war with them.
~Japan's Fate

~America wins the war

Photo by mortimer?

Untitled Slide

"...Yesterday, December 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan…"

~Franklin D. Roosevelt/ President, this quote was apart of a speech to everyone after the attack "Day of Infamy"

Photo by Rob.Bertholf

Pearl Harbor(movie)
by Michael Bay ,

USS Arizona Memorial, Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Museum and tours

Photo by anieto2k

America moved quickly to get on a war level.

American attitudes about the war and the economy change radically, and is more about giving to the war.

Everything is viewed through the effort of war.

Photo by Pavel P.

How did the world change?

It brought the U.S into World War 2, U.S declared war on Japan and Germany- The allies won the war.

Photo by jasohill

The attack on Pearl Harbor was an act of anger. If the United Stated didn't freeze the assets of Japan then, Pearl Harbor wouldn't have gotten bombed and the United States wouldn't have gotten in war.

Japan hit Pearl Harbor with a upraise attack (The US Naval Base). The Japanese brought nearly 360 aircraft and were ordered to take out 33 American Ships. The attack resulted in 18 Ships and 170 aircrafts being destroyed.


  • Target Tokyo by James M. Scott, Pearl
  • Day of Infamy by Stephanie Fitzgerald,
Photo by delphaber

Thanks to...

  • Us
  • Kos
  • The Brave Soldiers who died that day,and defended our country.
  • HaikuDeck.com
  • And the Photographers