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Walk A Mile In My Shoes

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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What labels do I like to wear and what labels would I like to wear?

I like to wear the labels of being a hard working person. I'm a hard working person because although I can slack off at times I usually pick myself up and get my things together.Another label I like to wear is being very determined soccer player. I'm a determined soccer player because once I put my mind to something I don't quit until I reach my goal. A label I would like to wear is being very enthusiastic because I'm not a very out going person.

What do I like to talk about?

I like to talk about things I like or think is interesting. I mostly like to talk about sports. I like to talk about sports because I know a lot of things about mostly all the sports and like to have discussions on my favourite teams . I also like to talk about world science. I like to talk about world science because I hear so many things about the world on the news and mostly every where I go.

Where are my favorite places to walk?

I like to walk in places where it's very quiet and peaceful such as mountain trails. I like to walk on mountain trails because it is very peaceful and allows me to do a lot of thinking. I also like to walk at parks. I like to walk at parks because I can take my soccer ball and can play soccer while I'm there. Walking helps me relax and keeps my mind clear.

Photo by Brian Sawyer

What brings water to my eyes?

When something tragic happens such as when someone gets hurt for no reason brings water to my eyes. That brings water to my eyes because it is not right. Also it brings water to my eyes when I get hurt or injured. This brings water to my eyes because most of the time I hurt my legs and can't play soccer for sometime . Not many things bring water to my eyes.

Situations that bring knots in my stomach?

Some situations that bring knots to my stomach are being in front more than about 30 people. This brings knots to my stomach because I am only used to presenting in front of classes and not a lot of people. Also before a soccer game I get pretty nervous. I get nervous before a soccer game because I don't know if I am going to do good or not. I get a knot in my stomach in many situations but the most is before a soccer game

What keeps me on my toes?

My family and AVID keeps me on my toes. My family keeps me on my toes because they want me to go to go to college and succeed in life. AVID keeps me on my toes because not only is a grade it they checks my grades and makes sure I understand all my classes. Also my soccer team keeps me on my toes because I have to have a 2.0 G.P.A in order to play in both the school team and outside of school. Soccer keeps me on my toes because I want to play every weekend and it's mostly on my grades .

Where do I go to do my soul searching?

When I need to do some soul searching the first place I go is to a soccer field.I go to a soccer field because soccer relaxes me and clears my mind. For soul searching I also go hiking. I go hiking for soul searching because while walking on the trail it gives me a lot of time to just relax and think. I usually go to a soccer field because it's closer to my house.

Photo by tokyofortwo

Where do I find my support?

I find my support with my family. I find support with my family because they love me no matter what and will always support me. I can also find support with my teammates because they help me improve on my game and let me know when I need to practice on something.
I can also find support on the soccer field. The soccer field supports me by being there for me when I need to clear my head.

Things I'm always running around doing?

I am always on my phone. I am always on my phone because I'm usually on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or on ESPN.com. I'm always watching or playing soccer. I usually do this when there is games on or I feel like playing. I'm also always doing homework. I study for test I have coming up or trying to get my grade up.

Photo by onebellboy

What do I like to dig my heels into?

I like to dig my heels into mostly everything soccer. Soccer has been a passion I've had since I can remember. I also like to dig my heels into my phone. I'm pretty much always on my phone. I also like to play video games. I can play video games all day with no problem.

Photo by Antonio Viva