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photos for album cover

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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photos for album cover

Korrie Powell

Yesterday me and christian of group 20 went on a trip around north London to find suitable locations, to see where we could film and take dynamic and intriguing photos for our ancillary work.

When working at a lunch time workshop we thought it would be best to film where a cemetery is as our song has a dark and almost scary electronia tone to it.

Photo by tom_bennett

We wanted to stay local,near to someones house so we wouldn't have to carry so much equipment to far places. In the end I came up with the idea to use Highgate cemetery as I live near to there and it was the perfect environment for our video/photoshoot.



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For our next location we wanted something that can capture the whole of London as the song is called 'life round here' so I thought that we should use Alexander Palace as from the top of it you can see the whole of London.

Photo by katybird

Since we want 'supernatural' and 'ghostly' feel we are going to film at night and with the black and white filter effect and hopefully a smoke machience this will help with to create the atmosphere needed

Photo by ohi007

Alexander Palace


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