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Tom Ford is a very iconic man.
Born August 27, 1961 age 52
Born in Austin Texas u.s
Known for his fashionable quotes
" Iam My own Muse"
Tom Ford is definitely known for helping Gucci get off their feet.
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Keeping Faith

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Tom Ford is a very iconic man.
Born August 27, 1961 age 52
Born in Austin Texas u.s
Known for his fashionable quotes
" Iam My own Muse"
Tom Ford is definitely known for helping Gucci get off their feet.

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What most People didn't know was the Tom Ford was Gay and has been in a relationship with Richard Buckley and they have a Beautiful Son named Alexander John Buckley Ford.
They care so much about their son that they would do anything for him. So doing what they both do best which is awesome Fashion shows why not help out the children who don't have wonderful parents like them.

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Business objective
"I want to make beautiful clothes for women and men who appreciate detail and quality. The product must be the best but this is almost secondary to the service the customer will receive." -Tom Ford-

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The two trends reveled during lifetime

* Sexual trends and advertising
* Men designers coming out with make-up line.

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Symphonic Love foundation is created by
Christopher M. Brown
It supports and creates art programs for youth while encouraging every day public service, Respect and kindness. Symphonic believe I the capacity of love and art to change the world.
Launching on October 27, 2012 is the evolution of Chris browns support of nonprofit organizations since 2006.

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Team Breezy signed up for a Best Buddies friendship walk.

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Team Breezy brings Art & Love to Homeless Families.
The foundation started in Richmond Va.
August 10,2012
Team Leaders : Chris Brown and his Aunt Christine brown brought their love and creativity to an emergency shelter in Richmond, Va. They decorated Six group bedrooms and the hallways with inspiring paintings, bright new comforter sand sheets, rugs, pillows and other accessories to bless the home and the children and families who live there.

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Rio De Janeiro
I choose Rio because it's the best escape to relax and recognize who you are and also get a hint of History.
Misused Abused children of California will be apart of this fashion cause all the money we make is going towards every foundation in California that help Abused and homeless children.

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This is the location
Rio- Sao Francisco Da Penitencia.
A colonial Church built between the years of
1657 & 1733

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This the RunWay and the Seating.
The breath Taking scenery.

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A successful Fashion Show

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Chris brown will be performing as well as having a silent auction of his Art pieces.
He will perform 4 to 5 songs while the fashion show is going on.
All the money will go to the misused abused children of California.

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Just a few People who are going to Be at the fashion show and investing in helping the Children of California .

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Quincy Brown
Sean puffy combs
Step son will be attending and supporting.

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The cast of True Blood
Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer

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Frank Ocean and Amanda Seyfried

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The event will be on The birthday of
Alexander Buckley Ford and Myself
Which the deeper means manifestation 9*9
So we're manifesting beautiful lives for the Misused abused children of California.
The bonus of the event is that we're havering two fashion shows.
The pre fashion show will be located in California in Malibu on the beach in July 2014.
This fashion will give the other children of our foundation a chance to be apart of something spectacular, they will help dress the models and be part of the whole production because this is their fashion they will put together. The clothes that will be representing is Mine own line called Kake Kissez originated all from reused Clothes I turn into hip trends of this era.
The Children that enter the contest to be able To go to Rio for the main event will have to continue getting great grades is school and we're taking a group of 5 kids and they will help with the production like the first fashion show. Win win and every time we raise money to help the children.

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This is one of many if my Designs that will be presented in the Malibu kids fashion show for the children and teens to model.

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Espirto Santa
A Brazilian Restaurant
They will be catering the event and
Plates are between 42-60 dollars
What will be served is
Meat and Seafood dishes from the Amazon and the northEast.

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Foundation Of Love
Every foundation for the children and Teens

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Photography by Kelsey Allen


Tickets are to be purchased either with me or online.
Kali B. 323-643-9897
Ticket prices are
$2-5,000 ( Kids and Adults)
42.00 - 60.00 dollars a plate
The reason it's so low is the flight plans and hotel prices are very expensive.
The silent auction prices may very.

The Fashion show is Malibu ca.
Free admission
There will be a silent auction of
Christopher M. Brown art pieces.
And of course if you want my Pieces as we'll.
Will all be home made Soul Food made by
Joyce Hawkins ( Chris Browns mother)
And pot Luck..