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3 occupations

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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3 occupations

by Maura Longenecker

My chosen jobs

  • Craft Artists
  • Poets, Lyricists, and Creative Writers
  • Makeup Artists, Theatrical and Performance
Photo by srgpicker

Craft artists

What I Found Out
Photo by comofaz

I would have to have a long term on the job training as well as needing to know things such as fine arts, design, and marketing & sales. I would also need to be good with social interaction and solving problems.

Photo by comofaz

Daily Work
Some of the things craft artists do daily are dealing with customers, collaborating to plan ahead, sketching new ideas to be crafted, creating prototypes, and setting specifications for materials, dimensions, and finishes.

Photo by comofaz

Some of the good points of this job would be collaborating creative ideas and doing crafts for all the time for a job.

Photo by comofaz

Some of the bad points of the job would be having to plan ahead a lot of the time and a lot of work for not a whole lot of money.

Photo by comofaz

Last year the average annual wage was $28,650 with most people making between $19,530 and $40,340.

Photo by comofaz

Related Occupations
Some other jobs that are related to being a craft artist are being a fine artist and an art director.

Photo by comofaz

Creative Writers

What I Found Out
Photo by JaseCurtis

I would have to do long term on the job training as well as needing to know things such as fine arts, psychology, sales & marketing, and communications & media. I would also have to be good at writing, problem solving, comprehension, and decision making.

Photo by JaseCurtis

Daily Work
Some of the things creative writers might do daily are collaborating with other writers on projects, writing poetry for publication, and research to get factual information and "authentic" detail. They also could consult with editors, clients, publishers, or producers to discuss changes or revisions, and develop aspects to create material.

Photo by JaseCurtis

Some of the parts I like about creative writing would be that you get to write books and it's a very creative profession.

Photo by JaseCurtis

Some of the parts I wouldn't like would be that it takes a long time to write books and you only really get money when you publish one.

Photo by JaseCurtis

Last year, the average annual wage was $59,560 with most people making between $25,100 and $102,580.

Photo by JaseCurtis

Related Occupations
Some other jobs that were related to being a creative writer were singers and actresses.

Photo by JaseCurtis

Makeup artistS

What I Found Out
Photo by Ly González

I would need to have post-secondary education as well as needing to know design, fine arts, service to customers & myself, and about administration & management. I would also need to be able to judge and make decisions, manage time, comprehend what I read, think critically, and listen.

Photo by Ly González

Daily Work
Some of the things a makeup artist might do on a daily basis is to show products to their clients and instruct them how to apply it, examine information to get a character's image, and evaluate venue size and lighting plans to determine makeup requirements. They also might study production information to determine makeup requirements and create character drawings based on their research.

Photo by Ly González

Some things I like about this job is that you get to create a character's look and sketch designs of what you get to do.

Photo by Ly González

Some things I don't like about the job would be that it has so many contributing factors and limitations on the character

Photo by Ly González

Two years ago, in 2012, the average annual wage was $55,660 with most people making between $20,950 and $123,940

Photo by Ly González

Related Occupations
Some other jobs that are related to makeup artists are photographers and fine artists.

Photo by Ly González

Which One I Like Best
I'd like being a creative writer best because I love to write and I like the things you get to do in the job description like being creative and collaborating with other people who have the same interests as me. Also, creating characters and using my imagination is fun for me.

Photo by Nita J Y