Matilda and her family are living in their coffee shop in Philadelphia when the fever strikes. Matilda tries to escape by going to a friends farm but she soon discovers that the fever is everywhere. Will she escape it ?
Is the main character in the story. She is very adaptable because when the fever strikes she has to adapt to living in a town where there are a bunch of fever victims, deaths, and robbers.
The grand father is very perseverant because even though he was old and tired he carried Matilda all the way to Bush Hill in his arms to receive treatment for the fever.
The conflict in "Fever" is person vs. nature because the characters are against the fever. The fever is nature because the characters have no control over it.
"Look, Eliza, it's the frost. The first frost! The end of the fever"(Anderson 210). I think the tone is empowering because you can hear the confidence in their voices because they are in control now.