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Why do we have mutation's?

Published on Dec 16, 2015

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Why do we have mutation's?

Photo by EMSL

Fact about mutations

  • Every single human has some sort of mutations some are better or worse the others.
  • The sun can give you mutations
Photo by sjrankin

Ways to get mutations

  • Radiation, chemicals, bad water, smoking, too much sun, with no sun screen, drugs and many other ways.
  • BTW sun screen works but make sure to have it not only on your legs and arms.
Photo by Scott*

sickness can also give you mutations :Cancers, Ebola, Small pox, Black death/the plague, Leprosy which makes you blind.

Photo by JeepersMedia

I have a mutation

  • Tourettes syndrome is pretty much a mutation in your brain which makes me blink/wink a lot or move my head around.
  • Tourettes will get worse if your stressed or under pressure, Luckily i don't have very bad tourettes
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  • I was talking to someone and they said they know a man who has very bad tourettes she said once he was just out in Vancouver and then he started screaming "Quack"
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Photo by betta design

Final page

  • I was told about a boy with something really similar to tourettes and he would have to hit walls at full force so thats putting it into perspective how bad tourettes can get.
Photo by Fey Ilyas

I hope you enjoyed

Photo by Taz etc.