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How Do Businesses Grow?

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Natural resources

Photo by Zach Dischner

Mining adds precious metals to the money supply

Specie- the gold or other metal backing the money supply

Photo by Claudio.Ar

Shift from water power to coal

Photo by kuyman

Transportation improves

Photo by Podsville

Financing is available
A. Stock market
B. Commercial banks
C. Investors with capital
Capital- money for investment

Photo by kosmolaut

Communication improves
A. Telegraph
B. Telephone
C. Mail by railroad

Photo by cliff1066™


Patent system

Photo by BusinessSarah

One company dominates an entire industry

Photo by JD Hancock

More than one company work together to dominate an industry

Photo by Polybert49

Vertical integration
Business owns every step in the process

Photo by d_t_vos

Horizontal integration

Photo by tim caynes

Immigration provides a cheap workforce

Laissez faire
Government adopts a "hands off" policy for social and economic issues

Photo by Gamma Man

Social Darwinism
Survival of the fittest in society.

Photo by Toban B.

Political Machines

Using political office for personal gain