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Adjective and Adverb Comparison

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Adjective and Adverb Comparison

Teddy Trent

Adjectives - different forms for use

  • Positive Degree - dictionary entry (-us, -a, -um) (-is, -is, -e)
  • Comparative Degree - more ___ / rather ___ / ____er
  • Superlative Degree - most ___ / very ___ / ____est

Positive Degree

  • Simply the dictionary entry + endings needed
  • Ex. Laetus, Laeta, Laetum
  • Happy

Comparative Degree

  • Stem (positive - ending) + -ior + 3rd dec. endings
  • Laetus ----> laetior
  • Laetior, laetioris, laetiori, laetiorem, etc.
  • Rather happy, happier

Superlative Degree

  • Stem + -issimus, -a, -um (1st and 2nd dec. endings)
  • Tardus -----> tardissimus
  • tardissimus, tardissimi, tardissimo, etc.
  • slowest, most slow, very slow

Superlative variations

  • If stem ends with an R, you add -errimus, -a, -um
  • Ex. miser ----> miserrimus
  • If stem ends with an L, you add -illimus, -a, -um
  • Facilis -----> facillimus

Irregular Adjectives

  • Bonus (good) ----> melior (better) ---> optimus (best)
  • Malus (bad) ----> peior (worse) ---> pessimus (worst)
  • Magnus (great) --> maior (bigger) ---> maximus (biggest)

Irregular adjectives

  • Parvus (small) ---> minor (smaller) ---> minimus (smallest)
  • Multus (much) ---> plus (more) ---> plurimus (most)
  • Multi (many) ---> plures (more) ---> plurimi (very many)


  • Describes a verb
  • How/when the verb happened
  • 90% of the time translated as "-ly"

Averb formation (1st and 2nd dec.)

  • Take adjective (laetus)
  • take off -us (laet-)
  • add -e (laete)
  • happily

Adverb formation (3rd dec.)

  • Take adjective (brevis)
  • take of -is (brev-)
  • add -itur (brevitur)
  • briefly


  • Take stem (adverb without -e or -itur)
  • add -ius
  • laetius = more happily
  • brevius = rather briefly


  • Take stem
  • add -issimē, -errimē, or -illimē
  • laetissimē = most happily
  • brevissimē = very briefly


  • I chose this topic because I've understood adjectives and adverbs
  • since they were first introduced to us in elementary school english.
  • So finally understanding what it meant to say "more happy" was a
  • very simple concept for me to understand in Latin

The End