10-Minute Content Marketing Miracles

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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10-Minute Content Marketing Miracles

Creative Ways To Use Haiku Deck For Streamlined Content Marketing
Photo by d'n'c

1. Demonstrate your expertise.

Lisa Buyer, author, speaker, and professor at the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida, is also a PR pro. She creates these fantastic decks full of valuable content, all drawn from her own experiences and skill set.

Here's an example: http://www.haikudeck.com/facebook-pr-secret-business-presentation-R0gvase4u...

2. Quickly add a visual component to a blog post.

Swedish design blogger, Emma Fexeus, began creating her own decks to accompany her blog posts, such as sharing blog stats and her editorial calendar in a visual way that went well with her already visually appealing design blog.

Here's one example from Emma's blog: http://emmas.blogg.se/about/
Photo by paul bica

3. Create a custom visual to promote a blog post.

Bruce Clay, Inc. is a well known marketing solutions company and they produce a ton of quality information on their blog multiple times each week. They also pair their blog posts with a visually engaging image that they use across their social media channels to promote their new post.

Here's one example from their blog: http://www.bruceclay.com/blog/ppc-101-tips-paid-search-ad-copy/

4. Summarize stats, trends, or research results.

Stats and data are not usually known for the beautiful way they look, but they are necessary to show growth, where your brand is going, and the results of your latest marketing campaign. For many marketers in our community, they use our charts and graph options to display their stats in a way that's both simple and elegant.

Here's an example from Catherine Pham, a visual content marketing expert: https://www.haikudeck.com/top-10-global-social-media-trends-uncategorized-p...
Photo by Thinkstock

5. Create a digital portfolio.

Catherine Avery, of Resovate Office Design, shares her tips and tricks through beautiful and polished Haiku Decks, and in the process, also showcases her personal work and interior spaces.

Here's one example: http://www.haikudeck.com/workplace-ergonomics-art-and-design-presentation-O...
Photo by COD Newsroom

6. Promote your podcast or Twitter chat.

Every week, Debra Trappen and Kelly Mitchell produce a new episode of BreveTV. And every week, they create a gorgeous custom Haiku Deck visual to announce the topic and promote across their social networks.

Here's an example: https://plus.google.com/u/1/b/113772520125166602217/+DebraTrappen/posts/1nA...
Photo by brainblogger

7. Make a list of tips.

Creating a list of your own tips, whether it's tips on how to engage on Twitter, how to write a kick-ass blog post, or tips on content marketing, is a fantastic way to showcase what you know on the topic and mark yourself as an influencer in your field.

Here's an example from founder of Kanguro Communications, Kostas Pappageorgiou: https://www.haikudeck.com/writing-content-that-sells-business-presentation-...
Photo by IvanWalsh.com

8. Repurpose your blog content.

Donna Cravotta blogs regularly on her blog, Social Sage PR. And to revamp, revive and give a little bit of a boost to some of her previous blog posts, she'll create a beautiful Haiku Deck version of her post.

This provides you with a new piece of content to share with your audience and also sheds new light on a piece to those who may have already read it.

Here's an example: https://www.haikudeck.com/what-do-you-think-about-social-media--pr-business...
Photo by Monitotxi

9. Collect awesome quotes.

We like to think of quotes as little golden nuggets of information that inspire and motivate. But when you share quotes paired with an image that accurately illustrates that quote, it gives it that much more power.

Here's an example deck from Denise Brooks featuring her favorite quotes about content marketing: https://www.haikudeck.com/my-10-favourite-content-marketing-quotes-business...

Another example is this deck featuring quotes from multiple marketing experts in our community: https://www.haikudeck.com/marketing-pros-talk-haiku-deck-business-presentat...

10. Make a list of helpful products or resources.

Whether your expertise is in tech, social media marketing, or wine, creating a list of your personal recommendations of products or resources is another great piece of content that you could share with your audience, and show your expertise.

Catherine Pham's is all about visual marketing. Here's her top 30 list of content marketing blogs: https://www.haikudeck.com/top-30-content-marketing-blogs-uncategorized-pres...

An example is this deck from Wine for the 99, showcasing a list of inexpensive, but delicious, Pinot Grigio wines: https://www.haikudeck.com/top-ten-santa-margherita-alternatives-business-pr...
Photo by M Glasgow

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