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Tsunamis By:Sophie DiFrancesco

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by SayLuiiiis

🐠What is it🌊
A Tsunami is an giant tidal wave caused by earthquakes,volcanic eruptions or other submarine disturbances forming a ginormous wave in the ocean.

🌎What takes place?🌏
A big earthquake under water takes place and cause a giant wave to form(tsunami). The wave circles the earth until it runs out of energy.

🔬Science Behind the Disaster🔭
Scientist think that the earthquake shakes the ocean bottom causing the plates to shift at the bottom making the ocean unstable and causing the ocean to form a giant wave(tsunami.)

📈Magnitudes of Tsunamis 📉
Tsunami magnitudes ranges from -2 to 9+ With -2 being almost no damage and 9+ being so much destruction like a whole cities are destroyed.

👸My Experience👸
I was in a tornado when I was four. I was in a condo( I don't know where) and my mom came running into my room and scooped me up and told me there was a tornado and she brought me down the stairs and into a ditch thing where we stayed until it passed.

Photo by Krister462

🌊Terrible Tsunamis🌊
The worst disaster was a 9.1 Tsunami in Sumatra, Indonesia on December 26,2004. Another notable disaster was a 9.0 tsunami in North Pacific Coast, Japan on. March 11,2011.

Photo by thievingjoker

The effects on humans and society from tsunamis are that tsunamis destroy cities and wildlife. This affects humans because it destroys where they life and some of there food sources. It affects the economy because the economy has to afford to rebuild whole cities and land.

Photo by garden beth

🍃Environment Effects🍂
It effects the environment because animals habitats are destroyed and the environment is destroyed.

Photo by SergioTudela


🔧Tsunami Predicting Tools🔨
Scientist use the SWASH which is a satellite that can tell how tall the wave is and how fast it's moving to see if a tsunami is coming near you.

🐄Animals Can Predict Tsunamis🐄
Some say its true some say its false. Many people say animals have a sixth sense which allows them to predict weather. When the 9.1 tsunami came in Indonesia people saw animals fleeing to high ground before the tsunami and after the tsunami not many dead animals were found but even though that happen scientist still have very little evidence.

Photo by Etrusia UK


"Can Animals Predict Disaster?" PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 04 May 2014. .

"New Tools for Predicting Tsunamis." The Front Page RSS. The Front. Page, 29 Mar. 2011. Web. 04 May 2014. .

"The 10 Most Destructive Tsunamis in History." Australian Geographic. Australia Geographic, n.d. Web. 4 May 2014.

"Tsunamis." BBC. BBC, n.d. Web. 4 May 2014. .

"Onswipe." Onswipe. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 May 2014. .

"Tsunami." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 May 2014. Web. 04 May 2014. .

"NOAA Tsunami Website." NOAA Tsunami Website. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 May 2014. .