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Wine In Ancient Greece And Rome

Published on Dec 16, 2015

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"Both to the rich and poor wine is the happy antidote for sorrow"

Cultural aspects of Alcohol

  • Wine was poured to seal treaties
  • Synopsums were an intellectual gathering where men would come to drink and debate
  • The Greek diluted their wine with water.
Symposarch would determine the strength of the wine mixture.

Libations would then be poured in honor of dieties and those who have passed away

After drinks were had they would converse about set topics.

It was very much looked down upon to drink too much.

Moderation was very much important.

Only enough to foster conversation.

It was thought that not doing such was barbaric and would lead to madness.

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  • Beer was often imported from Egypt
  • Although consumed often, beer was somewhat Frowned upon
  • It was thought to be more for commoners or foreigners.

Video: gallery of the gods, Dionysus

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  • Dionysus was the Greek god of wine.
  • He was important enough to be included in the Greek pantheon
  • Dionysia was the festival held in his honor.
Along with Dionysia, he was also a part of many greek "mystery" cults.

One of the few occasions that intoxication was okay.
said to make them closer to their god.

"Three bowls only do I mix for the temperate, one to health, the second to love and pleasure, and the third to sleep. The fourth bowl belongs not to us but to hubris, the fifth to uproar, the sixth to drunken revel, the seventh to black eyes, the eighth to the policeman and the ninth to vomiting. The tenth belongs to madness and throwing of furniture."

Greek Attitudes towards Alcohol

  • Moderation was important
  • Just enough was thought to be healthy but overdoing was dangerous and lead to death.
  • Drunkenness was looked down upon and considered barbaric

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  • Drunkenness was thought not to occur from the quantity drank, but due to the nature of the drinker
  • It was thought to become life threatening if the "heat" of the wine overcame your natural body heat
  • It was caused by the "heat" of the alcohol going to the head
  • If this heat overcame one's own body heat, it could become life threatening.
They also though that women and children did not drink due to a

"The peoples of the mediterranian began to emerge from barbarisim when they learnt to cultivate the olive and the vine"

Other Drugs used

  • Although not as recorded as alcohol, there are records of other drugs used in ancient Greece and rome
  • Although generally used for medicinal usage, there are records of using opium from even the earliest records.
  • Opium, was often used in rituals
  • It was often mixed with wine.
Opium was associated with Demeter

Ceramic jugs have been found that possibly held dissolved opium

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  • Greek Athletes took phycedelic mushrooms for a competitive edge
  • Cannibis was not common but has been recorded to be used for was used for pain relief