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Par: Olivia Mia Iznardo


  • Chapter 1 The Trip...........1
  • Chapter 2 ...........11
  • Chapter 3...........28
  • Chapter 4............44
  • Chapter 5............65
  • Chapter 6............78
  • Chapter 7.............95
  • Chapter 8...........108
  • Chapter 9............123
  • Chapter 10..........138
  • Chapter 11...........156
  • Chapter 12...........176
Photo by Daddy-David


"Sorry but I just had a great idea last night,of adding an ingredient to one of grandma and grandpa's tart recipe,"I said looking proud of my self."Another great idea,"she looked as if she wanted to know what the new ingredient was."You can use the oven but can I get a hug first?"I gave her a kiss for now."Sorry that I am kind of sweaty, but I did one hour of yoga earlier.""new record", I said sounding cheerful.I got all the ingredients I needed,from the fridge.Last night I had started with the recipe.I whipped a thick batter with eggs,sugar,flour,and yogurt.Now I gently mixed in the green tea.
(My new secret ingredient.)I also added a few slices of strawberrys.Then I stopped for a second.
"Moma, can I go horse back riding with Willow and Bella?

Photo by theothegrey

We want to meet at the bakery to celebrate grandma and grandpa's aneversery.""Alright but give them a hug,because thirty years of bissnes is a long time."I know,"I said sounding annoyed.
In my mind I was anxious to know how the tart recipe wold turn out.I went on my iPad right before heading out.I checked a few things on
my online calendar:TODAY JUNE 17th

Photo by frannie60

8:30 bake tarts
10:00 help grandma and grandpa celebrate
11:00 horse ride with Anna and Bella
3:00 go to café

Then I finally finished.I went to the kitchen and took the bowl of yogurt laying on the back counter.

Photo by tawalker

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