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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Photo by Texas.713

Second Continental Congress- Met in 1775 and agreed to create an American Army.

George Washington- Leader of the Continental Army.

Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775

Thomas Paine

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Republic: The power to govern comes from the people and not the King.

The declaration of independence

Photo by Bunshee

Thomas Jefferson

Benjamin Franklin

John Hancock

John Adams

Signed by 56 men

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Declaration of Independence: Signed and adopted on July 4, 1776. Declared colonies independent from Britain.

Photo by mrgarethm

British advantages

British General Charles Cornwallis

Well trained soldiers and larger sized army.

More money to supply army.

Photo by xavi talleda

Greatest Navy in the world.

Loyalists: The colonist who remained loyal to King George III and Britain.

American advantages

Photo by kevin dooley

Fighting on home territory.

Photo by Olof S

Army Commander George Washington.

Patriot Women

Patriots: The colonist who went against Britain and the King and fought for the colonist.

African Americans- Divided.

War in the middle colonies

Washington crossing the Delaware River

Battle of Saratoga- turning point in war.

The army at Valley Forge.

The war to the west

George Rogers Clark

Francis Marion

John Paul Jones

Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown in 1781.

The war ended in 1783 when the Peace Treaty was signed.

Photo by greeblie