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Published on Jan 04, 2016

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Bell Work

  • On your bell work paper, list all the things you see in the video that could be potential problems for the United States as it attempts to rebuild itself.


  • Problems facing Union after Civil War
  • Attitudes towards Reconstruction (analyzing primary sources)
Photo by widdowquinn

End of the War

  • Civil War ended in April of 1865
  • Southern economy and society needed rebuilding
  • Many disagreed on how to accomplish this rebuilding
  • Period of readmitting and rebuilding the South is called RECONSTRUCTION
  • Lasted from 1865 - 1877

Potential Problems

  • Economic (property damage, lives lost, labor force gone)
  • A new class of citizens, called FREEDMEN, had to a find a place in society
  • Racism
  • Political (how will Southern states be brought back?)
  • Rivalry btw N. and S.
Photo by Krypto


  • Bring South back into Union
  • Confederates: 1. Pledge Allegiance and 2. Accept end of slavery

Exit Ticket

  • Put yourself in the shoes of a newly freed slave, or freedmen, at the end of the war. What major difficulties do you think you would have beginning your new life? How would you want the government to help you, if at all?
  • Write response in your notebook

Exit Ticket

  • On the bottom of your graphic organizer, provide a brief (2-4 sentences) summary of your notes
  • I must check this before you leave

Bell Work

  • Who shot and killed President Abraham Lincoln?
  • Infer: Why do you think this person disliked Lincoln so much?
Photo by Marion Doss

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

  • Who: John Wilkes Booth
  • What: Shot Lincoln in head
  • When: April 14, 1865
  • Where: Ford's Theater, Washington D.C.
  • How: Premeditated/Gun (.44 caliber Deringer)
  • Why? - This is what we will answer today, along with who helped JBW do it
Photo by lenmandy

Exit Ticket

  • Did the accomplices of JBW deserve to be executed? Explain your answer.
Photo by Tim Evanson

Bell Work

  • What was ONE major social or economic challenge the nation faced during Reconstruction?
  • OR - share your response to yesterday's exit ticket question
Photo by joiseyshowaa

What motivated JBW?

  • JBW supported the Confederacy
  • JBW supported slavery
  • Rejected citizenship rights for African Americans
  • Wanted Union to fall apart
Photo by Tim Evanson

Today - Option 1

  • Complete graphic organizer on JWB's accomplices
  • Due at the end of class

Today - Option 2

  • Plans for Reconstruction
  • Complete graphic organizer from information from the textbook (sections 1 and 2 - see handout)

Exit Ticket

  • How did President Johnson's plan for Reconstruction differ from the plan of the Radical Republicans?
  • Review Booth's accomplices
Photo by KristinNador

My Take of FURIOUS 7

  • Where was THE ROCK?!?!
  • How come nobody gets hurt during fights, car crashes, explosions, etc.?
  • What up with Paul Walker, the cyber zombie? (straight up creepy, yo)
  • Stuffing a smaller plot into the overall plot makes things hard to follow
  • Final Grade = C
Photo by xporage

Untitled Slide

Due Assignments

  • Booth's accomplices WS
  • Reconstruction Plans WS
  • Section 2 Reading Companion WS


  • Review Reconstruction Plans
  • Discuss government role in ensuring every person is treated equally
  • In - class assignment
Photo by Mr.Thomas


  • Are there still people in living in the United States who are fighting for equal rights? If so, who?
  • OR - Do you think all people in the US are treated equally? Explain.
Photo by Gordon Werner

Today: Jim Crow Laws

  • Identify ways local governments restricted the freedoms of African Americans
  • Categorize Jim Crow Laws based on primary documents
Photo by cataloft

Bell Work

  • Analyze the photograph in the handout
  • Answer questions related to photograph

Untitled Slide

Jim Crow Laws

  • Legalized racism
  • Amendments to treat African Americans equally were not enforced
  • Read + Activity
Photo by DonkeyHotey


  • How Jim Crow Laws helped bring about the Civil Rights Movement
Photo by andy castro

Jim Crow

  • Racist portrayal of an African American by a white actor (Daddy Rice)
  • Late 1800s/Early 1900s - white actors would portray black characters using "black face"
  • Does racism in this form still exist today?
Photo by DonkeyHotey

Why Adam Sandler is a Racist

  • Currently filming a movie called "Ridiculous Six"
  • This past Wednesday, Native American actors working on the film walked off the set because the film insults, offends, and disrespects their culture.
Photo by lovamis2

Why Adam Sandler is a Racist

  • When the Native actors complained, they received this response: "If you guys are so sensitive, you should leave."
  • So they did
  • Full article is linked on my website
Photo by lovamis2

Why Adam Sandler is a Racist


  • Introduce Civil Rights Movement
  • Vocabulary Activity

Today - Partner Work

  • Echo, Stephanie, and Dionna
  • Dylan, Charlie, and Lyric
  • Alaunna and Mary
  • Carrie and Tierra
  • Jevon, Sonny, and Kylie


The Road to Civil Rights

Photo by miss_rogue


  • DEFINITION = unfair treatment : a situation in which the rights of a person or a group of people are ignored
  • In this case: the rights of African Americans
Photo by Daniel Arauz


  • Discrimination = when one group of people is treated differently from another group
  • Segregation = the act of separated one group of people from another group
  • Prejudice = intolerance
Photo by DonkeyHotey


  • Civil Rights Movement = The national effort made by African Americans and their supporters in the 1950s and 1960s to eliminate segregation and gain equal rights.
  • Civil disobedience = the refusal to obey laws that are considered unjust
Photo by DonkeyHotey

Resistance to Jim Crow Laws

  • Real change/improvement began occurring in 1950s
Photo by jrr_wired

Key Events

  • 1954 - Brown vs. Board of Education: S.C. declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional.
  • 1955 (August) - Murder of Emmett Till
  • 1955 (December) - Rosa Parks arrested

Emmett Till

  • Read description of murder (my website)
  • May want to jot down some brief notes

Activity: Writing a Eulogy

  • A eulogy is a well-crafted speech intended to commemorate a loved one who has died. It is presented at a funeral.
  • Follow "Murder of Emmett Till" link on my website, read the information, and write a brief eulogy in his honor.
  • Include the importance of his life, injustice of his death, and how his death will impact African Americans

Bell Work

  • Why did the murder of Emmett Till outrage both whites and African Americans?

Baltimore Riots

  • Took place after Freddie Gray's funeral Monday afternoon/evening
  • "State of Emergency" declared, National Guard brought in, city placed under 10 pm - 5 am curfew, school closings
  • "It's like there is no justice. It's like we're back in the '50s, back in the Martin Luther King days. When is our day to be free going to come?" - witness
Photo by seven_resist


  • KWL+F Chart
  • Reading article
  • Reflection Question
Photo by scottmontreal

Reflection Questions

  • What shocked or surprised you most about the Baltimore riots?
  • Do you think the rioters were appropriately displaying their anger? Explain why or why not.
  • How else could the people of Baltimore raised awareness for the injustice of Freddie Gray's death?

The People Who Changed Things

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. = advocated nonviolent resistance, formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), led the March on Washington
Photo by cliff1066™

Strategies for Change

  • Marches
  • Sit-ins
  • Boycotts
  • Court Cases

The People Who Changed Things

  • Malcolm X = promoted Black independence, self-defense, and human rights. Supported violent resistance.
Photo by Salim Virji

Exit Ticket

  • In your opinion, which Civil Rights leader had the better strategy for change, MLK or Malcolm X? Explain.


  • Analyze speeches made by MLK and Malcolm X
  • Organize their thoughts using "MIND MAPS"
  • Also look at pages 566-567 in textbook